*Woo me for keeping this old CS saved on my iphone notes :} [center][IMG=http://i40.tinypic.com/28vt6k2.jpg] ~Name~ Guinevere "Gwen" ~Age~ 17 years ~Occupation~ Princess ~Description~ Guinevere is tall and strongly built like her father, but possesses the feminine features of her late mother. She stands at about 5'9", has long ashen blonde hair, and fierce blue eyes. Her jaw is slightly squared and accompanied by luscious lips. She has her father's long nose and stern brow line, but her mother's rosy cheeks and delicate blonde lashes. Guinevere usually intricately braids her hair into a half-ponytail and adds in the few wildflowers picked for her by strangers or wandering peasant children. She wears the noble dresses provided to her by her royal family, but always adds a light layer of specially made chain mail beneath her bodice. She also wears hunting boots rather than the frilly shoes from the palace. ~Personality~ Guinevere is bold and oppositional. She was raised in a royal home and taught by the finest of scholars for most of her life. From this she gained her vast knowledge and hunger to better herself. After her mother's death, Guinevere became calloused and emotionally guarded. She does not base her decisions on feelings and tends to think logically and leave everything to reasoning. Her father's insistence on treating her like a lady pushed Guinevere to seek out equality among men and women. She demanded to be trained privately in combat strategies and practiced battle techniques secretly in her spare time. She is skilled on horseback and can handle a hunting bow with great accuracy. ~Weapons~ [IMG=http://i41.tinypic.com/5vnczo.jpg] Guinevere carries a valuable Hunting Bow she purchased from a notable guild of assassins in Carhaise's black market. ~Relations~ King Leodegrance who served Uther Pendragon and kept the Round Table for him. ~History~ Young Arthur began garnering support early for his foreboding war with King Rience. It was during one of these escapades that he met Guinevere's father and offered to defend his kingdom, Carhaise, from Rience's growing army. King Leodegrance had served under Arthur's blood father and had great admiration for the young boy's spirit and innate sense of leadership. Guinevere was betrothed to Arthur at this time as an act of gratitude. Guinevere protested the arrangement and insisted on her intentions to fight for her kingdom's freedom. Her father reluctantly asked her betrothed to let his daughter leave with him and his supporters to keep her mind away from the strife and misfortunes in her own kingdom. Arthur agreed, but Guinevere's desire to protect and serve only strengthened as they traveled throughout the land.[/center]