Iris hid in the closet, peeking out of the small hole as he watched with horror. The very thing that he never expected to happen was being laid before his eyes, as the swarm of darkness, dotted with tiny, beady yellow eyes consumed his family. He held his breath to keep his location from being discovered. Suddenly the swarm had already assaulted the door of the closet and Isis screamed out...only to awake on his bed. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed out, the echoes of Master Lao's calling ringing in his head. Kicking off the sheets, he stood from his bed to slip on a plain white t-shirt. His footsteps were noisy and heavy with laziness and his arms stretched out to accompany his even louder yawn. Suddenly, with a smile on his face, he ran down the steps. This was his usual routine, to keep himself moving and top notch speed, and to avoid slipping on the floor if he could. Bursting through a door into the Great Hall, even though he was still only half-dressed for the day, he called out, "Good morning everyone!" He flashed his smile and jogged into the room, letting the smell of breakfast flood his nose. "Did everyone else rest peacefully?" He stared at Master Lao and the other Apprentices, looking at them with his always dorky smile and bright, glowing purple eyes, while he grabbed himself a plate of his favorite breakfast dish: Eggs, bacon, and grits.