Nyima watched his hand for a moment till she realized what he was wanting to happen. She quickly obliged. As the punches started to move faster, she became slightly worried that she would actually get hit. Of course, this was a consequence she'd have to deal with. It could very well happen in the situation was real. She did her best to block and avoid the punches. She didn't hit back, as she knew that wasn't the point of what they were doing. If she focused on punching him, she might very well end up getting punched. Instead, she focused on the fists flying toward her. As she moved slightly away from a punch, she saw an opening. With his arm over her shoulder, she brought her own arm under his arm pit and grabbed his other shoulder, her forearm against his chin. Using her own momentum and his surprise, as well as his stance, that wasn't prepared to being pulled backward. She swung a leg under his nearest, to prevent him from stepping back and pushed him to the ground. She grinned at him, "Could let it get too boring for you, now could I?" She smiled and held out her hand, offering to help him up.