[i]I'm afraid.[/i] An emotion Isadora had let go of long ago made its bed in her frazzled mind as she traveled through the foreign kaleidoscope of a vortex, not knowing where the rapidly-deteriorating gummi ship would take her to next. As much as she would have liked to have had a solid plan as for her going-on three-year journey to find the man Helena spoke so highly of, she didn't. She hated not being in control. All she could do was punch in the next set of random coordinates after coordinates and pray to a god that doesn't exist to her that a world with said coordinates would pop up on a cracked screen. She felt so hopeless--she had felt that way for the past year. She had nothing left besides the name Axeus embedded into her mind. She couldn't go back to the wasteland that was Otherverse even if she wanted to, which she didn't. She would rather be dragged by her short raven-colored locks with her nails digging into the dirt than see the faces of the people she grew to loathe. She didn't want to see any of those useless pigs ever again. The journey through this vortex was longer than the others. The fraction of the screen meant to display the travel time was blocked out by a rainbow-colored pixelated mess from inverted broken glass. That was actually her fault--everyone gets overly frustrated sometimes. Her amber eyes danced while watching swirls of light and darkness outside the ship intertwine gracefully like a choreographed ballet. Colors of fuchsia, vermilion, and sapphire made their appearances from time to time, but for some reason, it was as if the shade of black was eating every color that wanted its chance to shine in various forms, much like the darkness in her life. It had a way of finding itself during her rare moments of happiness and eating away at it like a savage beast until there was nothing left. Isadora leaned back in the rotting chair she sat in, rubbing her eyes with a free hand. She was quite tired although she wasn't doing much besides waiting for the ship to arrive at its next destination--wherever that may be. At this point, she nearly believed that the fossil of a gummi ship wasn't taking her anywhere anymore, and that maybe she was stuck in this black hole of a vortex. She wondered if she minded if that were the case. [i]No, I need to find him. There was a reason Helena told me about him.[/i] Her eyelids refused to stay open any longer. Settling into a comfortable position, Isadora drifted off to sleep. Hours later, the gummi ship finally landed. Harshly. Years of breakage after arriving in various worlds was demonstrated as it skid to a stop in the debri of Fallen Jungle. Isadora continued sleeping soundly, not noticing that she had arrived on what would be her last world to be searched. She did, however, jolt her tired eyes open at the sound of an unfamiliar voice: [i]"Pilot of the gummi ship! You are to follow me to a clearing up ahead. Do not stray from our course or we will bring you down."[/i] The usually cooly composed Isadora scrambled in her seat into an upright sitting position, unable to see out of the gummi ship's windows. Violets and azaleas were smeared across them along with various types of greenery. For a few moments she couldn't tear her gaze away from the sight--it was like a beautiful painting created by a mentally unstable artist. She heard footsteps and her mind returned to its normal state. After admiring the dead flowers, she took a quick look-around at the ship. Whatever it looked like before in terms of deterioration, she knew there was no way it would be able to be used again. Her heart sank. The navigation screen of the ship was now completely broken and useless, so she had no information as to where she landed. If Axeus wasn't here, her three year long journey would have ended prematurely with no closure, much to her displeasure. Whatever hope she had left, she now clung to tightly. Summoning her Plagued Apostle with one hand and pulling her black hood down to shroud her eyes, Isadora stood and slowly crept out of the ship. She was surrounded by a group of mysterious figures, yet for some reason, that didn't bother her. She didn't feel any sense of uneasiness. As much as she wanted to ask who they were and where she was, she kept her mouth shut and nodded towards who she figured was the leader of said group, keyblade gripped tightly in one hand just in case this turned out to be an ambush.They would probably provide her with the answers she desired without her having to utter a word. [i]Please be here.[/i]