[b][i][center]The Grey Warden The Heartlands[/b][/i][/center] The Grey Warden was already ahead of the Dalish, and the group as a whole. He still didn't show himself despite being clad in armor heavier than anyone else; it would have been unnerving how quiet he could move if anyone actually knew where he was at. He aimed to continue making sure no one knew. When the group was near the bandit camp, The Grey Warden was already there, setting up traps. He didn't have much to work with, but he made what he could and put them at choice points and narrow openings. He should probably return to the group at some point and warn them of his traps, but before he left The Grey Warden noticed someone. Someone in a cage. The Husband perhaps? He looked injured however, with dried blood caking his head and a swollen eye. But he was breathing and alive at least. But he worried about some of the barrels near him; from the sticky residue leaking from them, it was oil. A stray spark could light them up and condemn the husband to a fiery death. The fact that the cage was locked and made of metal did little to give The Grey Warden a plan of freeing the man. He'd just have to hope that his group could save him before things get worse. Before The Grey Warden left, he counted how many bandits they'd have to deal with. So far, he found twelve. A daunting number for them, but these men were more skilled at robbing poor refugees than trained fighters than him and his group. At least he hoped so. The Grey Warden also managed to identify who he assumes to be the Bandit Chief; a large human wearing an impressive set of Veridium Heavy Plate Armor with a thick Heavy Iron Shield and Saw Sword. He was most likely the one who would pose the biggest threat to the group should they attack, what with his imposing armor and weapons. The Grey Warden did note his lack of a helmet however, though he imagined that if the group attacked them in the open, the Bandit Chief may add his helmet to his already heavy set of armor. He would just have to make sure that doesn't occur. The Grey Warden opted to remain hidden however, even from his group. So long as the group doesn't try to attack from behind the camp, they shouldn't run into any of his traps. So the Grey Warden took out his crossbow, notched a bolt, and readied himself from his vantage point to take out the nearest bandit. [b][i][center]Karine Madeleine Val Royeaux[/b][/i][/center] The Templar walked out of the lower deck to the top of the boat, expecting things to have calmed down. But somehow or another, [i]more[/i] demons have arrived to wreck havoc, and some people have even showed up to fight them. Karine smiled at the prospect of fighting them all. [b]"Ah ha ha ha! And I thought this was going to be a boring job!"[/b] Karine charged at one of the demons who was recoiling from being shot with a crossbow bolt, and was stunned when Karine smashed her mace into what she guessed was it's face. The demon tried to slam it's molten fist against her, but despite the heat, it failed to dent her armor. Lifting both it's arms up it tried again, but she didn't give it a chance as she bashed it backwards. She and the demon continued to trade blows after blows, wearing down Karine but also the demon. And unlike the demon, Karine didn't seem to concerned about being near death.