In a world where it appeared that most people were incapable of saying things like 'thank you' or rewarding a good deed, it was nice to see that at least the muscled monk was an old-fashioned enough person to praise Val for the heroic, divine things that he had done the day before. Even though, if Tai Yang had the same eyes and ears of Val Kaireiss, he'd be less than pleased with the Land God using the Ninja Janitor as a cushion. Accepting the gift with a smile of gratitude, and wondering what blessings he should shower upon Tai Yang afterwards, the blue-haired God took a look at the gift. It was a red candle, held in an aluminum candle holder that was carved in the shape of a lotus. The wax was organic, which was always a nice bonus, and he could already catch the subtle scent of flowers that wafted from it. Not bad, for something that had taken less than a day to make. But, despite all that, there were things that drew his attention away from Tai Yang's lesson. It appeared that things were escalating between Dios and Deja, in which the former was seducing the latter into betraying the Academy or whatever. How dramatic. How spicy. How interesting. There was a demon girl that seemed to be eavesdropping on the 'secretive' pair as well, and Val was dying to ask her what she thought about all that...but he won't, not for now. Instead, like any good Land God, he kept quiet about his own thoughts, and asked, more out of a lack of things to say than anything else,[b] “By contemplation, do you mean discussion, Adjutant?”[/b]