[b][center]Tai Yang[/b][/center] "Mmm, there will be discussion as well as a peaceful contemplation. Attempting to communicate with others what you have learned and what you feel, in other words, teaching, is one of the greatest ways to teach yourself. My master, Ming Yue said 'the path to mastery is an everlasting road to express what you know so clearly that others may understand. The goal of bringing enlightenment and joy to the darkest soul is the eternal struggle of everyone who bears the slightest candle.'" Tai Yang explained himself evenly. If Tai Yang noticed Val was making small talk, he did not express it. Buuuut it's pretty unlikely that he did. "In other words, we shall begin with the introduction to the class, then practice meditation, then discuss what we have learned, if we feel we have. A lesson that teaches one only how to execute a task is not our goal. I would wish every student to become capable of spreading their light further." Tai Yang certainly included himself in the group pronouns he used.