Oh you haven't seen 'rabid without morning coffee' until you've met Dale's mom...never deprive a journalist of caffeine. Never ever ever. He LIVES that nightmare, man.
LesleyDrakken said
I only drink coffee before I go to college classes in the morning. Any other time I'm a teahead.
Lien said
Some one talk to bryan XD He acting so cute right now XD At least try to talk to each other, it makes the world go round~(No..It does not but well trying~)
HollywoodMole said
I have a temptation to know where that profile picture is from? Where?!
Lien said
I don't remember, I had this picture for a long time so forgot where I got it from. Looks familiar though once you mentioned it.
So, I should remember to ask for a type of soft drink next time. What brand is this? Huh
LesleyDrakken said
This had me rolling, so much meta. Knowing Dale he probably punched a whole bunch of random buttons just because he was annoyed. Good luck with that rootbeercokemellowyellowdrpepperlemonade fountain pop.
LesleyDrakken said
Hmmm. Must be a local slang thing, here it's just what we call the pop from push-button machines you can get in restaurants or convenience stores. Usually no matter what you get it has a funny taste and it's kinda watered down, so I think that's why people tend to point out where it comes from.
HollywoodMole said
I don't know what pop is... (Don't judge my Scottish mind.)
LesleyDrakken said
So what, do you said 'Fountain Soda'? XD that just sounds like a mouthful. Actually like everybody in my city says soda, and for some reason only my family uses 'pop.'