[b][center]Tai Yang[/b][/center] "Mmm...." Tai Yang noticed Key's distress and seemed to contemplate it for a moment, before he decided on a course of action. "Meditiation, is, at the most basic level, a training of the mind. This class will attempt to teach us how to utilize our minds to calm ourselves, and if we get to it, to harness hostile emotions. This class will be focused more on the battlefield applications of meditation under high stress scenarios. We are to become Dawn Slayers, and we must not show fear or anger on the battlefield. We are to be shining examples before humanity and the paranormal that there is good within all of us, and that in goodness, we are NOT weak." "To begin, let us discuss some of the more negative emotions. It is well known that stress has a negative effect on the body. A mental state of stress weakens the body. Other emotions have other effects. Anger gives strength and allows you to ignore pain, but it blinds you. The intent to kill allows you to strike remorselessly without hesitation, but removes your compassion and empathy. Pride gives confidence and relaxes you but gives way to fear when under pressure. Fear heightens your awareness and gives speed to your flight, but removes your initiative and resolve." "To truly master meditation, we must use it in motion. To be calm and have control over our emotions when one sits quietly is a great feat, but we cannot always sit idly by. Eventually, we will attempt to meditate in motion, and we will try and summon the strengths of our negative emotions without the consequences they bring with them. To use the mind as adeptly as our hands." "However, for now, we must first become familiar with our own minds. We should understand ourselves before we try to muck around in our own emotions." "Position yourself, in whatever way feels comfortable. The beginning level of meditation is whatever way makes it easy for you to ignore what is around you. I have met those who were most comfortable in a sitting position, as I am now." Tai Yang was sitting in a crossed leg pose attached to meditation by many. "But I have also met those who meditated best in the stance of a warrior, their father's sword held tightly, or backstroking in a pool that happened to be on the ceiling by their own mystic arts. Do not be embarrassed to take your meditative pose, and if you require any special quarters, feel free to ask me, and I shall see whether I am able to accommodate. Now, breath deeply, consciously. Make it a slow deliberative act that you can focus your attention on. If you do not breath, or would prefer a different task, find some other self contained act that can be focused on and repeated safely. If juggling balls of fire is as natural as breathing to you, by all means, juggle balls of fire. If you are distracted by your eyes, close them. If your other senses betray you, focus on the task you have chosen." "Now contemplate this. We are to be Dawn Slayers. We are to protect the Peace, whether by action or word. But what is that Peace we protect? What does the shape of that Peace take to you. Consider it carefully. Flesh out every detail like a painting. Each of us will explain what the Peace is to us at the end of the class. You do not truly know something until you can teach it, so take the class to learn what the Peace is to you in terms you can describe to all of us. And remember, the only wrong answer is a flippant one. The question is not only what you discover, but what you learn discovering it."