whoops i took longer than I said I would and I would like to apologize;;; I was debating on really joining given that this seems very spooky and I am easily terrified ;;0;; 
i realized fuck it so here is a thing and I hope it is a good thing and I should probably have read the other things before making a thing to prevent any similarities. I shall do that now u ~ u

[hider=wow this is late]Name: Parker Grace

Appearance: A girl of slim and tall stature, Parker makes up for her lack of feminine grace with exceptional height, landing her at a solid six foot. Her hair is kept short for easy maintenance, a natural brunette. Her skin is neither too pale nor too tan, though it is a hint on the dark side, patches of skin dotted with darker freckles whether or not exposed to sun. There is an elfishly androgynous allure about the young woman whose sharp nose and chiseled jawline could make for an easily mistakable male's silhouette. The fact that Parker chooses to dress in more androgynous attire only emphasizes her features more, as her stick like figure is usually graced with loose tees and faded and worn jeans. Her eyes, a chocolatey sort of brown, are dulled by the shadows of her bangs, given she tends to look down more than up, even despite the view her height gives her. 

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty-five

Occupation: Novelist and Illustrator

Place of Residence: Originated from Manila, Philippines but resided in Yardley, Pennsylvania since eight years of age. 

Born somewhere in the many islands of Philippines, Parker was a mixed child of a loving white man and his young housekeeper. The family stayed in the islands for a good few years before the mother earned enough money to buy her own ticket to the Americas. Her father, who was quite content in the islands, said he'd follow after he took care of some business. As far as either she or her mother knows, however, he still resides at the islands. So, at the age of eight, Parker and her mother departed for USA.
The following years were pretty decent for her- she had a fair understanding of the school's lessons given her homeland's teachings were a bit more advanced, and she was always the playful sort so she never had a shortage of friends. Her mother went to school as well, for nursing, graduating and getting a job around the time Parker started her second year of junior high.
Her first meeting with her stalker occurred then, though she doesn't recall it. She was playing manhunt at night with a few friends, when she caught the faintest hint of an owl glaring from a tree. Considering owls were a sight to the young girl's eyes, she rushed to show her friends, only for it to be gone and all the children disappointed.
The time Parker does remember as her first encounter with her stalker was when she was seventeen- a junior in high school. Her schizophrenic symptoms had shown up even earlier that year, hearing voices, and her mother was trying to find a suitable doctor. Parker's sudden irritability as well as her high school's absurdly large size caused her once large circle of friends to dwindle out quickly. 
Upon making solid eye contact with her stalker, it was on that day that her mother introduced her to her first psychologist. This psychologist then recommended her to a psychiatrist to which she received her first ever bottle of pills. It wasn't until a month after three more sightings of her stalker did Parker tell both her psychologist and psychiatrist about the situation, to which the latter answered by amping up her doses.
At first, Parker thought it worked. She got by two weeks without hearing voices- which was her schizophrenia at work- or seeing Miss Fortune- a name she'd come up with her stalker which is both a pun and demeaning. Miss Fortune appeared again, however, a week later. And once more, the day after that. Parker, stressed out not only because this was all happening during the final stretch of her senior year but because she didn't know what else to do, took a little more than her usual dose one day. 
What ended up happening was buckets. Buckets of vomit and blood, most on the floor of her bedroom, but some managing to land in the toilet of the bathroom. Her last memory was that of the dirtied bathroom mats, but when she awoke, found herself in the hospital. She was released two days after.
Her psychologist started asking more heavily about Miss Fortune, and after much talk about the stalker, told Parker that considering it didn't seem to do much, to simply accept it's existence. So, Parker did just that. She continued her life trying, and failing, to ignore and not indulge in Miss Fortune's appearances. 
At the graduation of high school, she went to a nearby community college where she continued to fill out her requirements while taking a side time to write and draw- most of the drawings being of Miss Fortune. Parker kept all of her art displayed on an online blog, which gradually worked up quite the fanbase. The fame spread, it seemed, as she got job offers to draw for other people. She finished community college but didn't move on to a university, instead staying home and continuing her growing career. Parker even got a job offer somewhere in California, which offered her a nice office of her own as well as a solid budget for the starving artist. She jumped on the job, as well as on a plane, making her way to the other side of America.
Misfortune and Miss Fortune greeted her upon landing when Parker found out that she was not, in fact, in California, but Iowa. Not only that, but received an email /and/ a voicemail explaining that the company had made a mistake, and that her skills weren't exactly what they were looking for and how sorry they were for the inconvenience and please have a nice day. Which was a bit hard, given the fact Miss Fortune had decided to show up daily upon arrival, and she was stuck in a place she didn't know. Her travels led her to the next town over, where she decided to stay at a hotel, hoping to somehow sell enough quick digital art online to get fare for a plane home. Even part time jobs would do, she was that desperate. Meanwhile, however, she made a temporary home of Rainey, Iowa. 

Other: Parker has been a bit on and off with her medication lately, and in no part at all to her psychiatrist's wishes, but instead due to the fact she found herself not needing it so much. She seems to be doing decently too, you know, except for the whole Miss Fortune thing. But it's not as though he does much anyways, so.
Name: "I call him Miss Fortune. Dunno what the gender is, but it looks male, so the term aught to be real demeaning. It's also ironic, given the fact he shows up at times that are not at all fortunate."

Appearance: (A picture I shall provide hopefully asap)
Miss Fortune's appearance could be laughable to some, or if put in a different context, to many. Simply put, the stalker's most prominent features are that of owl and man. His(assuming it's a he) head is that of an owl, with eyes larger and as ominous as a normal one. Sometimes Miss Fortune opens and shuts his mouth that release a repetitive clacking sound that, no matter his distance from Parker, always echoes loudly in her ears. He continues to snap at her until his upper beak snaps off and his lower part of the face is riddled with spit- which looks like a suspicious shade of red. Because Miss Fortune has done the thing many times, it almost comes to no surprise when Parker reunites with him the next day that his beak is back and ready for more action. Usually he stays pretty quiet, however, and that usually gets Parker more than the sounds. 
Past Miss Fortune's head continues that of an owl body, but is stopped at a part by the sudden appearance of a white collar and a black bow tie. A powerfully long suit continues downwards, shielding the rest of the presumable owl body, but Parker's not too sure given Miss Fortune has never taken the attire off, nor do bulges show any sign of hidden wings or the like. Not that the possibility of fat owl being hidden in the suit being impossible given that there were much more impossible things to take note of.
For example, /if/ Miss Fortune truly was an owl, then either he was always flying, or standing on stilts. The suit pants are terribly long, even for a normally tall man, shooting the owl at the impossibly tall approximate height of between seven to eight feet tall. His torso portion's arms are quite the sight as well, given that the sleeves are so long that they usually fall slack to the side, even when Miss Fortune moves.
And Miss Fortune does move. It's a peculiarly disturbing sight, however, as the owl man tends to wobble, as though anything past the head was air and the owl was merely trying to move the large outfit through sheer willpower. It would be comical if the lower body part was only not attached to the disturbing head. Whenever Miss Fortune chooses to move, and it's usually minimal in Parker's experience, he leans forward in a hunch and his body shakily wobbles to the destination, his arms slack and devoted to gravity. What's unnerving is that his head stays in a hypnotizing situation in that, no matter how fucked up he walks, his head stays in the same general area without moving, eyes always directed towards Parker. 
What's even weirder than his walking is his standing still. At first, Parker thought it was due to his large size that Miss Fortune stood at an angle, because if he stood straight he would hit roof. After a few outdoor sightings, however, Parker noticed that him standing erect was only once in every five sightings, his body usually contorted in squiggles or odd angles. Owls are said to be able to rotate their heads at a full circle, and Miss Fortune is no different. In his odd standing positions, his head always stays properly right side up, moving only to turn upside down, the position of his eyes staying at the same spot they were in, if that makes sense. 
Parker has always made a policy to stay a distance away from her stalker, though is sometimes unfortunate enough to realize too late that Miss Fortune was only a door over. Whenever he gets too close, Parker is filled with a feeling similar to that of drowning, in which her lungs seem to close up and in seconds, her throat and chest seem to burn. She is still well able to breathe, but the disorientation is enough to trick her out of it, solace received only in passing out or in Miss Fortune deciding to take leave for the day/find another position in which to observe.[/hider]