Name: Desmond Freeman Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Short brown haired, he's tall but not very well built. Personality: [list] [*]Bully[/*] [*]Confident[/*] [*]Short tempered towards strangers[/*] [*]Loyal to friends[/*] [/list] Power: [hider=Host to a Symbiote] [u] [b]Powers:[/b] [/u] Increased strength, durability, endurance, and speed. All of the powers of spider man (Though I am taking away Spider-Sense since it's [b]A:[/b] Vague on what exactly "danger" is and [b]B:[/b] Kinda OP in the context of the RP. I am also taking away the web slinging ability since I feel like it's too inherently "Spider-Man" and want to distance the character from that a little.) Genetic memory from previous hosts (However my character is the only host so far.) Mild healing abilities (It should be a lot more powerful but I feel like it's more plot armor in the comics.) Controllable tendrils The symbiote is able to squeeze into small areas but only when not attached to a host (Unless he uses one of the tendrils but the tendril cannot provide site.) Mild shape-shifting abilities. (By which I mean it can change it's form, however it will stay black and white and cannot shift into a person's face.) [u] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [/u] Sonic noises and fire. Fire is just effective against the symbiote's armor but sonic noises cause the symbiote to strip from the host completely. Sedatives largely hinders the symbiote's own sentience, slowing its reaction time to protect its host without being told to. The symbiote can take over the host. If the hosts' anger gets too high then the symbiote can exert dominance over the host and fully control the host, if this happens then it is very likely that the symbiote will kill nearly anything on site as it has murderess instincts. However sedatives also largely hinder this phenomenon. If the symbiote is not connected to a host then it cannot make use of any of its abilities except for its ability to squeeze into tight spaces as it is essentially a liquid. Once a host has been connected to the symbiote for more than 48 hours of uninterrupted use then it "Bonds" to the host. Once the symbiote has bonded to a host the host suffers from withdrawal symptoms when not bonded to the symbiote such as: Migraines, physical pain, night terrors, drowsiness, and exhaustion. [b]Images:[/b] [url=]Two examples of what the suit can look like when host is in control.[/url] (But minus the spider symbol. I'm trying to distance myself from the cahracter this is based on) [url=]And this is what it looks like when the symbiote is in control[/url] (Once again, minus the spider symbol) [/hider] The symbiote is based off of Venom from Spider-Man but I'm gonna try to not be a straight up carbon copy but if you feel that I am then please PM me and address it.