Tendra nodded as he listened to his master every word, when he was told to join him Tendra followed him without question. When the master had first found Tendra, he was hostile and though he could easily beat the old man in battle. He was very wrong however and he was easily beaten by the more experienced man. Tendra though he would be killed but instead the man offer him a chance to hone and train his skills under the condition that Tendra came with him and lived in the Fallen jungle. He had join him instantly and then he was given the name of Tendra, his Master told him it meant "He who is like a dragon". With Tendra Dragon fire ability that was no shock to him. When Tendra enter the throne room, he took his place beside his master as the two new arrivals were brought in. Tendra made a dragon fire ball appear in his hand which he used the scan the two new comers. Master had only just taught his this move and Tendra was still learning the master it but he told his master what he got from them such as height, weight and age. Tendra own keyblade was imbedded in the ground in front of him though he could easily summon it to him in a heart beat.