It was a hard time in Nevada back in 1985. Miners hunting for gold in the mountains, people moving for the adventure or potential... and families moving out for hope. But with those things also comes corruption, thieves, murderers, and betrayal.. The most notorious of these band of outlaws was known as The Prowlers. They once were the fiercest gang out there. No one, not even the law, could touch them... And then news borke out about how Dwayne Robins, one of the gang leaders, took out the two other leaders, leaving them for dead. Little did the gang know, that the two of them survived. Now having nothing but the guns and clothes on their back, they seek revenge. They have to use their charm, and wit to recruit some members, get money to finance themselves, and be known across the land. They will also need the trust of the sheriff's department to help take down the Prowlers.... It won't be easy, but it won't be hard work all the time. Romance, drama, and humor will all partake in the two outlaw's plot for revenge. RULES: 1) No killing off other people's characters, or hurting them severely! unless you have permission, then its cool I guess hahaha 2) Don't be a dick 3) If you have a problem with a person or the post they made, don't hesitate to PM me about it, so we can all resolve it 4) Be creative, and if you have an idea you don't know might work, PM me and i'll approve it or not! GANG ROLES: PM me if you have an idea for a gang role, I'll update it when people join! Leader: Raymond Chase (Jones Sparrow) Co-Leader: Bio has to match with the story of the Prowlers (see my bio) Explosives: Sharpshooter: Muscle: FORM: Name: Alias: optional Age: Appearance: Job: Bio: Doesn't have to be long Personality: Family/loved ones?: family, friends, relationships, etc. Weapons: optional Other: ------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Raymond Chase Alias: The Marauder Age: 26 Appearance: [hider=Raymond] [img=] [/hider] Job: Outlaw Bio: I'm an outlaw. A thief, a killer, and a conman. But before you judge me and start to yell at me, I'd like to inform you guys on the American Dream. The idea that every American has a chance to achieve anything they put their mind to... But if you were born to a farmer in the middle of nowhere, you aren't going to become President, you aren't going to be rich, or famous. Because there are millions of other people that come from that same background, and take it from you. You stay where you are. But I wasn't going to accept defeat willingly. I was a natural charmer. Even at a young age I would convince my parents to side with me, or get supplies from stores for much cheaper. And as I grew up, the girls around the farm seemed to like me a lot more than most people. When I turned 17 I made my way to St. Louis in hopes for a good paying job... Two weeks later I was on the streets trying to talk people in to giving me their money. so much for the American Dream. So much for 'equal opprotunity' all because I was from a farm. That's when I started to believe in it again. I met two men who saw my potential in speaking. I was strong from working on the farm, and they had use for my talents. This is also when I started my criminal life. I would usually be the distraction, while the other two would get to work and start stealing... I know, the morals weren't really a factor. And from then on, they won't be. We became notorious, being known as thieves, but no one knowing who we were. These two men became my best friends, each having their own stories on what they wanted. And then word got out that Nevada was becoming a spot to be. Money, ambition, young foolish people... To be honest I was feeling the same way, I wanted to see if I could get out of this life and start a new one. We gathered up a few people interested in our... cause, and we set out. It was long and tiring, but we eventually made it, and soon went to work. We spent years making our reputation. We were legends by the time, and through it all I had my two brothers who I trusted... Well, after a while, I never truly trusted Dwayne. He was the man who would laugh at the sight of a dead man... Me and the other leader did this for the money. We made a fortune, and I was talking about leaving to start a quiet life, buy some land, and sell some stuff... So we decided to do one last hoorah. We robbed a whole town, tied up the sheriffs, took the guns, and all the valuables... Then me and the other leader were shot by Dwayne. OUR gang killed the sheriff, some women, and a child, and left us there to take the blame. To leave us for dead. We escaped, but barely. We were angry, confused, hurt. We had nothing anymore. We knew though, that we weren't going to go hide. We weren't going to let Dwayne leave with everything. We laid low for a while, healed up, and now we are on our way to Drysprings, the largest settlement in Nevada in search for a new crew... Personality: Very witty, and a charmer. Has a way with words and can talk to anyone without problem. Although I never had an education, I learned how to read, and write rather well, and I have "street smarts" as well. Although I'm a criminal, I'm very loyal to the ones I've known long enough, have a soft side for the innocent, and longs to settle down with a family. Family/Loved ones?: Anyone interested in a romantic or friend relationship, let me know! Weapons: Two revolvers, and a tomahawk I obtained from traveling to Nevada Other: A sucker for a good story. A romantic at heart