Alright so, Bloodwolf, your post was a little problematic. First off, just because we are posting in-character now doesn't mean you can give yourself new abilities out of the blue. Yes, I did say in the OP that we will be developing abilities in the RP. That doesn't mean you can just add them whenever you'd like. New abilities should come hand in hand with character development; some sort of event should herald the learning of the ability, or you should learn it from a master. However, I think the issue here is (most likely) not that, but simply clarity. When you described your Dragon Fire ability originally it seemed to be just a normal attack spell, with the traits of a dragon. You made no mention of any secondary uses for it, such as your scan ability. If you plan to use abilities like this from the very start of the RP [i]you must have them on your character sheet[/i]. Pulling out random abilities can annoy and confuse other players. So, first off, you need to define your abilities more thoroughly. On your character sheet, please list every possible use for each of your abilities AT THE START of the RP. From there we'll decide whether or not you need to modify your post.