The man leading the Dalish group crouched down and walked more slowly as they approached the camp. He spotted the bandits' leader easily enough. "He's wearing heavy armor, but it looks like his face isn't covered. Good." He pulled out his bow and began to draw a poison-tipped arrow. "This will eventually kill him, and he'll be much less useful in combat after it hits him. He'll still be going for a good thirty minutes however, and you'll still have his underlings to worry about. I suggest everyone who intends to take part in this battle decide what part they intend to play position themselves accordingly. My friends and I will hit them with as many arrows as we can while you fight, and the city elf here will help you take care of any stragglers. I suggest we do this quickly" (In the near future) As soon as everyone did as he instructed, he fired at the bandit leader, poisoning him. His allies began firing at the rest.