Yay, super lazy 6 minute character sheet!
Name: Sloan McCreed
Alias: Diamondback
Age: 19
Appearance: [hider=][img]http://remingtons.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/lizzy-caplan-as-juliette-flowers-1.jpg[/img][/hider]
Job: Sharpshooter

Bio: Specializing in trade of all sorts, the McCreed family stands as one of the most influential families in the states, and Sloan was the youngest heir to the amassed riches of her family, Sloan had everything she ever wanted, everything she could ever ask for, even if her older siblings tried to make her life hell. One summer day, when the family was on a countryside vacation, Sloan, still a young girl stumbled into a secret meeting of mercenaries hiding out, making attempts on her father's life. The assassination failed thanks to her being witness to the meetings, but it bothered Sloan that anyone would want to hurt her family. When she became a little older, Sloan decided to investigate the reasoning of why anyone would want to ruin her father. The truth was not so forgiving to young Sloan, and it quickly opened her eyes to the corruption that laid invisible for so many years. When she tried to come open with the information, her life was torn to shreds when she realized that her entire family was content with their way of life, and that she was the only one with an issue. This broke Sloan's heart so much that it drove her to the point of wanting to destroy the perfect life that her family clung to so dearly. Leaving behind everything, Sloan entered the life of an outlaw, hoping to gain power of her own in order to tear down everything her family stood for.

Personality: Despite her seemingly docile exterior, Sloan is just not right in the head anymore. A sadist and the mischievous sort, Sloan greatly enjoys manipulating, toying with the human psyche and just downright torture. Even if she's not the most stable, Sloan is generally good and is always, maybe a little excessively, brutally honest and has a no bullshit attitude. She doesn't really believe in genuine human relationships and tends to be very cynical about them, only trusting in the convenience of said relationships.

Family/loved ones: Her family, along with her old life, live in Washington. Sloan denies any connection to her family, even though she keeps her given name.

Weapons: Sharp's Scope rifle, Pump-action revolver shotgun, knuckleduster pistol and as a bonus, a jar of diluted rattlesnake venom (Various uses)

Other: Sweet potatoes are a favorite food.