[b] Abram - The House - Jess [/b]

The man hurried down the stairs, towards the back door in the kitchen, intending to go to the car when jess stopped him. She was talking crazy.... there were far too many windows; the horde would break in easily. "Jessalyn, you can't be serious. We're trapped and a horde that size could brake in and over run you easy." He scowled, breathing out hard. "I made a promise to Floyd to keep you safe... I could force you in to the car, but I'd rather not do that to you! Please, I'd rather not stay and get eaten, either."

"Jess, I know how to track a trail and we can find him together. Floyd isn't dumb enough to come around here with a herd swarming the place. He'll take shelter, figure that we've probably jumped and run away. If he's lookin' for us, we have a better chance of finding him or vise versa." He looked the girl in the eyes. "Please don't make me leave you behind."