[i]"Guard me with your life Toaster-san. Mine has now been entrusted in your....paws."[/i] Hearing her ask such a thing of him, his eyes went big as saucers. So touched, so very very—too touched~! Getting up on two legs, the little toaster did a salute while trying to hold back the flow of happy tears…it was clear that in some small way, his admiration, his feels had been acknowledged by this great, benevolent! [b]”T-T-T-THIS PEON IS UNWORTHY, OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA…BUT YOU, WHO ARE THE GREATEST OF MINDS, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! COUNT ON ME, FAIL YOU THIS PITIFUL, UNWORTHY PEON SHALL NOT!”[/B] With this, the little toaster made purring sounds and rubbed his side against the headmistress’s midsection…before turning fully to her and making a single happy ‘kyuuuuuuu~!’ as he hopped up and down excitedly! This toaster was going to spend much time with his headmistress, more so than he usually does! ----- Sitting behind his desk, Aram took careful steps to bookmark appropriate textbook pages with sticky notes, writing on them which paragraphs to emphasize exactly. Measuring cups and other cooking utensils had been laid out on the counters for students to take a look at once class starts…a few hours from now. It actually took him a little bit of a while to set them out, but Aram was glad he didn’t do that last minute…more could happen, might as well take advantage of not being too badly off. Sitting in silence, he hears…something…outside…like…?! Snapping the textbook closed rather loudly, Aram rubbed his sleeved-bandaged arms carefully, before going to the door of the classroom. Pushing the door open and stepping out into the hall, with what he had heard from that open door along with his glutton-senses tingling…he stepped out in front of the female humanoid, “... ‘Not eat more than once or twice a month’, is it...? That simply won’t do, everybody needs nourishment.” Giving her a kind smile, the demon conjured out a plate with a warm coloured cake, “Do you have any allergies, or…a specific, strict diet you follow? This is the vegan version of a lightly spiced chai cake,” Holding the plate with the wonderful presented cake out in one hand, and the fork out in the other…as much as he wanted this student to eat something, because the idea of starving oneself for weeks at a time horrified him, his arms were becoming sore almost immediately. Still, Aram held on, “It’s quite delicious…?”