Money? Strange, people put so much value in something so worthless. Paper bills and metal coins became worthless with time. He used money on occasion, usually paying for others' needs, but he never needed any of it himself. Thinking she could buy her way out of her problems. So human. So foolishly human. The other girl, not the quiet blonde, the copper-haired one, she was smarter. Too bad he couldn't just let her leave like she wanted to. He was really being too cruel to them all. No, to allow them to simply leave and go on their ways would be even more cruel. "Very well, go home. Go home to your families and your parents and your siblings and your loved ones. Go home and kill every single person around you." The boy walked closer to the girl, until she was looking down at him because he was too close. He didn't look up, just continued to speak. "That's what will happen if you go, probably." The boy crossed his arms beneath his green cloak. "I didn't take you here to torment or torture you. I took you because you are dangerous to those around you. Who knows how many people you will end up killing if I just let you go now." He was lying, but not about the possibility of them accidentally killing anyone and everyone around them. That was a very real and very likely possibility. He was lying about that being why he had taken them. The boy had allowed gods to rampage in the past, and he couldn't have cared less if these ones did the same. He was only doing what he was told to to, saying what he was told to say. Just for a little while, he would play the role of the puppet. He hated his role, but he needed the information Aryan claimed to have. "I doubt you'd just take the word of the person who abducted you, especially given that he is only a child, so... proof." The boy turned and walked away from the girl with the copper hair, and then he stopped and spun around. A golden dagger flashed past her, thrown by the boy, seeming into the heart of the gathered crowd. But it didn't even come close to anyone but the one he had meant to hit. The boy with the white hair. The fallen star, who even now was standing far back at the edge of the treeline staring up at the sun in ignorance of its blinding light. A normal throw, but still nearly faster than the human reaction speed. He might have been able to avoid it if he had started to move when the boy released the blade, but he didn't show any sign of noticing the danger at all. As it was, he didn't really need to acknowledge the danger. The blade slowed as it neared its target, stopping all forward motion completely before coming within a foot of hitting the young man. As it did so, it began shaking, slightly at first and then more violently, until the blade simply vibrated apart. It broke up into large pieces, each vibrating more violently then the previous piece, and then those pieces broke apart, and again and again until nothing was left at all but a slight humming that faded into nothing. And the young man with the white hair just continued to stare up at the sun. The boy turned to face the copper-haired girl again. "All of you have something similar, and I am going to guess you have no knowledge of that. No control over it at all." The boy pulled another dagger from inside his cloak, completely identical to the one that had just been destroyed. It was an elegant thing, more ceremonial than meant for actual combat use, but he'd made them for both. Appearances were everything to an immortal who only had his reputation to make and ruin with the ages. The blade was curved, polished steel, and the hilt was gold with the appearance of rope for the grip. At the end was a emerald gem, perfectly round. He had made them as works of art as much as tools of death, and he had just thrown one away. "That was what happened to solid metal. What would happen if someone close to you... simply got too close to you?"