The Carver was confused. Zadok had responded to a simple observation with an arrogant description of his abilities, likely in some puerile attempt to boast. The implication of having to even explain such things was insulting to the guardian's intelligence in and of itself; didn't this Anti-Keeper realize that such information was already known and unnecessary to share? Pah, the Carver would never understand these physical beings and their petty mannerisms. Those feelings would have inevitably been sensed by Zadok, such was their telepathic link. As such, so no scolding response was required. Instead, the being answered Zadok's second statement, [b]"An acute observation, and indeed more true than one would like to admit. It has been determined that a change of tactics are in order. At present, neither of our attacks are damaging one another enough."[/b] ===--_--=== Balon at last negotiated the black tunnels to where he had first fallen in. Admittedly, the giant had found himself lost many times and the fact that some passageways were too small only made navigating the dungeon even harder. However, intimidating the various creatures that he came across proved to be a good way to get reliable directions. Exploding up from beneath the black waters, his colossal hands were barely able to find purchase on the cleft above. OF course, that grab only lasted until the entire thing collapsed in a sort of mudslide, which did not take long given Balon's weight. After several more tries, the giant was able to clamber back onto the surface, near the beach where he had emerged earlier. The gaping hole in the ground was now noticeably larger, though that security breach was a problem for the puny imps to worry about. Balon trudged along the shorline before many hours before seeing smoke rise from the distance, a telltale sign of what he was looking for. Balon's pace quickened to a run, his great strides making him terribly swift. As he charged towards the fishing village, spear and shield in hand, Xir'ain's words echoed in the giant's mind. [i]"Do not kill anything,"[/i] the Keeper had commanded. Well, Balon had no intention of breaking orders. It would be the spear that did the killing, not the giant. ===--_--=== Lord Rain scoffed in amusement. This human's stupidity knew no bounds. The man charged wildly at his foe from across the plaza, bellowing like a fool. The keeper's approach was more ominous; slow, deliberate, and silent save for the heavy thud of the warlord's footsteps. After a few moments, when the belligerent human had closed half the gap between them, the keeper hefted the huge axe that was in his left hand, and then hurled it. The terrible weapon glowed with dancing electricity as it cut through the air, low to the ground, heading straight for the human's legs. The man narrowly avoided the spinning weapon by awkwardly leaping backwards and to the side. So the man didn't get torn in half. That was disappointing. At least his charge had been stopped, though. The axe continued to soar across the plaza until it flew into the stone building that the human had emerged from. An entire balcony collapsed as the axe destroyed one of the pillars that supported it. Bah, the weapon's enchantments would have kept it from being damaged. The keeper would retrieve it after he killed the fool that stood before him. Having staggered back to his feet, the man was now charging towards his adversary once again. A cruel and delightful thought entered the Keeper's mind- using magic to boil this fool alive in his own shining armor! A lightning bolt materialized in Lord Rain's empty left hand. Without warning, he hurled it like a javelin towards the man. The resulting thunder shook the town square as the lightning hit the knight's tower shield and exploded with force. The man's charge was certainly broken this time as well. He was thrown backwards and knocked onto the ground; however, he was now staggering back to his feet, apparently still alive. No doubt his shield and armor were enchanted, sparing his miserable life for another few seconds. Lord Rain was tired of playing with this annoying little knight. He snapped his fingers and lightning came down from the sky and struck the ground right next to the man. His enchanted armor prevented a death by electrocution, but the sheer force still tossed him about like the dust that he would soon be. The Keeper simply walked up to the man and began swinging his axe. It was all the knight could do to raise his shield, but as blow after blow from the huge axe was rained down on him, the tower shield was reduced to scrap metal, and the hand, arm, and shoulder that held the shield were broken. In defiance, the knight tried to stab at his enemy. However, the man was laying on the ground and was now exhausted, so he couldn't even put enough force behind his sword to pierce Lord Rain's heavy armor. All he did was bring out the Keeper's ire. Lord Rain kicked the human with his metal boots, denting the knight's armor and cracking several ribs. At last, the weakling was unable to continue fighting and dropped his sword. Lord Rain pinned the human down with one foot to the chest. Shock then approached his master, informing him that the rest of the townsmen had been subdued; all the guards were dead, and all the townsmen that had formed a militia were also dead. The Stormers and Bolters had taken no prisoners. The Keeper looked down at the prior lord of this town, the man beneath his boot. It looked like his wounds were grievous enough to knock him unconscious, but he was still alive. For now, at least. Lord Rain stared down at his defeated enemy, knowing exactly what he would do.