[quote=SoleAccord] Except Pain did beat anyone who got in his way. Naruto's a broken character and gets second chances in fights all the time, he hasn't lost a fight since part 1 against Sasuke, Kishimoto just made him a god and someone who can convince anyone they're wrong with a 5 minute heart to heart. Everyone and everything in part 1 was much more interesting and technical, and didn't always come down to who had the biggest attack or broken KG. Naruto lost to Deva Path but nope second chance. RIP Part 1, Golden Age is dead. [/quote] I get what you mean, but part 2 had the best characters hands down in my opinion. I loved how Kishimoto characterized the Akataski and expanded the universe. As for second chances, this is a Shonen jump anime, that is pretty standard for the popular series, I mean look at Goku, he's always dying and coming back to life and then finds some way to achieve enough power to beat the villain.