[quote=ruronihs] Well, if you count Dragonball (which is by far a superior series), I know he at least killed the original King Piccolo. Punched a hole right through his chest. The second Piccolo is generally considered a different character. But yea, considering the length of the franchise, Goku's kill count is pretty low. [/quote] I said DBZ canon. I know Dragonball Goku killed King Piccolo though, and I think he beat General Tao so bad he had to get cybernetic enhancements but I think that was a filler arc in Cell Saga. I don't think you can even count Kid Buu as really 'dying' because it was just his evil, he was allowed to be reborn as a good guy so he was never really 'gone', but another person. And that one guy in Babidi's ship killed HIMSELF. So technically, outside of movies, Goku has never killed anyone himself. Also, all his series' ability to defeat villains made total sense. Movies were all about 'finding the power to win in the end' for sure.