[center][b]Jinx[/b][/center] -The Cake of unspeakable Untruths...- If one haven't seen a cat flying, what Jinx did as a door suddenly slid open next to her would probably seem like an acrobatic work of art. Getting surprised out of her normal senses, Jinx leaped high into the air, front flip/span around while pulling out the two daggers she had from their scabbards and made a skidding landing into a thief/assassin's battle position ready to strike as she saw her 'foe' armed with a Fork, and a Plate(shield). She hissed slightly as she looked possibly much like a pissed cat someone had thrown a bucket of water on, except for the wet fur part. "And who might you be!?... " she said angrily, "get those away from me... I don't take your poison... the cake's obviously a Lie!... "She said defensively as she did not trust anyone offering free food, especially not cake which she didn't really consider as 'food' in the first place... it weren't nutritious in the first place... just something 'gluttons' ate because they could, and because it was fancy to stuff their faces with fat stuff. "I rather hunt down and eat a raw rat than eat that thing... and trust me because I have,,, thought I prefer them grilled... " she said and started to back away slowly while keeping her eyes on her opponents all the time. "And no! I don't have any weaknesses like allergy you can exploit... and my diet consist of eating anything I can salvage... except for things like those... icky snobby treats, likely poisoned... " she hissed and started running as she figured she had enough distance between them.