Indeed...some people new to certain food stuffs would be interested in eating the colourful/decorative ones first... Tai Yang: "I trust Pollux's choice in catering..." @_@ <( . . . ) *stares long and hard at cupcake that glows gold...before shoving it into his mouth* Aram: "Eh? Ah! Careful, that's a fairy wine cupcake--" Tai Yang: DX <( ? ! ) *projectile vomits out pretty double rainbows* Aram: *starts putting labels on plates, and sorting the cupcakes accordingly* "Oh boy...m-my apologies." Tai Yang: "Forgive me, but...! Never again...!" *leaves in a huff, with double rainbow trailing his person* Aram: QAQ <(bawwwww~) *falls onto knees...dies of sadness, right then and there* ----- On the other hand, I have settled for Toaster Hellbeast's human appearance... [hider=...settled for generic good looking guy.][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/hider] Now, imagine that nuzzling your midsection! X3