Yui tilted her head, genuinely curious about something. Looming closer, she peered right into Toaster's metal face. "Toaster-san, you are a toaster. And yet I cannot understand how you would display tears of joy. Would you not shock yourself?" The Headmistress frowned. "Or would it not matter seeing as you never plug yourself?" Leaning on her hands, she traced a finger down the toaster's smooth metal side. "Hmm, there's also the question of your devoted loyalty to me. Is it because I provided you an occupation in the educational field? Perhaps it is because I allow you to cook my breakfast pastries on a daily basis? How strange...." With nothing else to really do beside distract Toaster from causing a rampage, Yui figured that she might as well try to strike up conversation. Which reminded her. "I heard a lovely little rumor the other day Toaster-san. Something about having an ex?" A small but coy smirk curled itself on the Esper's lips. "Well then? Is it not true? Why haven't I heard about this development prior?"