Adam could count the number of people who have given him hugs on one hand. So when Amanda threw her arms around his neck he wasn't really sure what to do. In his moment of confusion, Adam ended up standing there as stiff as a statue. "Um.. Thanks." He mumbled as he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. His eyebrow lifted as she continued to ramble on. Hot? Wasn't that the new slang for attraction? Because he wasn't really sure how to respond to that he was glad when she changed the subject. Silently he obeyed and sat on the floor, marveling at how easily his wolf was responding to this human giving him commands. As she came up behind him, he lifted his head and gave her a small smile. "You are welcome. Please keep the length as best you can." Again the thought ran through his mind, his normal hair dresser was gonna kill him. "My name is Adam, by the way. I do not think I have ever caught your name." He moved his head back forward so that she could start her work. She pulled the brush through his hair and an involuntary rumble sounded at the back of his throat. It felt good to have a brush ran so gently through his hair. Inside him, his wolf settled down inside him, more at ease then it had been in many, many years. "So you think it is a fair exchange?" Avril continued to walk around the room. "She becomes your blood bag, you don't have to worry about your next meal, and she gets fashion advice? That doesn't exactly come out equal." She paused his his comment sank in. "I never said anything about thinking it was nice of you..." Her comment faded off as she stared at him. "You're a bloody mind reader!" Anger began to swell up inside her. She moved towards him swiftly until she was only six inches away from him. "I don't have a choice. If you were a proper mind reader you would know! I am an Omega, my wolf is more obedient to alpha then a regular wolf. I can't stand up for myself around my father or Adam, my wolf is way to submissive. If I could I would ignore my fathers wishes and do my own thing. But I cannot! I also cannot live without a pack. If I leave my pack to become a lone wolf I would die. So forgive me for choosing to run away because it was my only option for standing up for myself!" Her breath came in puffs as her anger simmered down slightly. As her anger simmered, she realized how close she was to him. "Whatever." She turned on her heel and began to walk away.