[b]Name:[/b] [i]Nikki Biyung [/i] [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Nikki is a girl that doesn't appear like the average female. Whether it's her boyish facial features, or her lack of feminine features. It can be hard to tell that she's female sometimes. But an observant eye can definitely say that she's female. Nikki appears very tomboy-ish, to the point where she's near androgynous. She has a slim build, that's slightly muscular, but won't impress anybody. She lacks that desired female figure, instead it's a straight figure that lacks curves (Flat chest and butt), and is generally masculine. While she's short in terms of height, her arms and legs are notably long, and she has large, bony fingers. Nikki is an obviously Asian girl, of specifically Korean roots. Her skin is a light-yellow color, that's not exactly perfect. Her skin isn't perfectly clear, since she has plenty of scars on her body, and her knees are pretty scared from falling over as a kid. In terms of looks, Nikki can be called pretty, but she isn't winning any beauty pageants. She does look a bit boyish, but definitely female. Nikki's head is oval shaped and very rounded, her facial features are dull and rounded too. Nikki's cheeks are very notably large and round, but smooth, blending into her face well. They are often the first thing people notice about her. She has small lips, that aren't very girly or anything like that. Nikki has a medium sized nose, that's very pointed at the tips, and her nostrils are very small, and C-shaped. Her ears are medium sized, but notable round. Nikki's forehead is very big, and often the butt of jokes. Because of her heritage Nikki's eyes are small, slanted, and a brown color. Nikki's hair is jet-black, and short. She keeps it in a high-profile style, and a bit of it brushed over the left side of her forehead. [b]Personality:[/b] Neutral/Chaotic Good [list] Kind Loner Good Natured Shy Very serious and focused Thinks instead of acts Lashes out when antagonized Tries extra hard to appear as a good person Not afraid to stand up and fight Fears failure, and excessive damage Not afraid to throw morality out the window [/list] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Macro-Arthropodkinesis.[/i] Nikki has the powerful ability to control Arthropods (Insects, Arachnids, etc) on a large scale. She can sense all arthropods on a large scale, tell what kind of insect they are, and at will control them to make them follow her every wish. This ability allows her to sense what they sense. This power is large scale, thus, she can control thousands of insects at a time and she can control insects from miles away from her. Nikki's degree of skill with this ability is so high that she can individually give commands to the insects. [i]Arthropod-Biology Manipulation.[/i] Nikki's secondary power is easily her most dangerous one. She can alter the biology of any insect within a ten foot radius. Allowing herself to completely redefine their biology to anything within reason. Make them larger, make them poisonous, etc. I am good with bugs, so I (think I) know what I'm doing. And just to clarify, she CAN'T do this a lot, so no armies of poisonous, two foot large, butterflies. ----------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b]  Micheal Biyung [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Micheal is a very tall and slim man. He possesses little body fat, not in the attractive way at all - To more of a freakish level. If he were to take off his shirt, it'd reveal that he's literally just skin and bones. He also possesses these long, thin arms and legs, with long bony fingers. It's quite creepy. He walks very slowly, and in a stiff fashion, like there's something wrong with his bones. Micheal is a Korean, and has very yellow skin. Skin without too many blemishes, scars, or birth marks. The few scars he does have are small and can easily go unnoticed. His complexion is pale, and rather unhealthy - So he doesn't good points for perfect skin. Micheal is cute, not overwhelmingly good looking, but he's easy on the eyes. Micheal's head is oval shaped and his facial features are rounded. He has a somewhat large, rounded double-chin, that sticks from his face a bit. His eyes are a brown color, fairly small, and since he's Asian, his eyes are slanted. He usually has a plaintive look in his eyes. Micheal's nose is small, narrow and shaped triangle-like, his nostrils are wider than the rest of his nose. His ears are large, narrow, round, and stick inward. Micheal's hair is a dark black color, and straight, clean, well kept. He has a Medium-straight hairstyle that's ear-length. [b]Personality:[/b] Lawful Neutral [list]Quiet Thinks instead of acts Does what he believes is right Can easily be bullied into submission Rather lackluster social skills Fears disappoint[/list] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Adjustable Arthropod Physiology.[/i] Where Nikki can control Arthropods, Micheal can transform into a hybrid. This part is hard as hell to describe without making it excessively long, or redundant, so I'll try to give you all an idea. Micheal can take on the traits from all arthropods, with his basic autonomy immutable. Micheal can grow the tough exoskeleton of arthropods over his skin, replace his hands with scorpion pincers, or grow limbs from any insect or arachnid out of his back. He can mix and match these combinations to create an unearthly combination of many different arthropods. It give him a wide range of uses too. Micheal also gets any special traits that he is taking on. Such as poison from a scorpion, a spider's tremor-sense, etc, etc. Micheal also possesses an ability to telepathically communicate with insects. It's no where near Nikki's level, but he can control insects to an extent.