"She is something..." Deja murmured, having followed the Jinx of a girl inside. She had refolded her parasol prior to reentering, curious to see where the pity of a being had decided to take her new information. Apparently, she had chosen to squander it with her inability to be even the slightest bit respectful. She came closer to the demon, apparently holding a piece of what he called 'cake.' "I do wonder what brought her to this school; as she apparently has no desire to help any other but herself. Such selfishness I wish to see punished, but no matter." Deja bowed a little in respect to the teacher. "Hello. I am Deja Rith." She straightened her body, before cocking her head to the side. "I don't mean to be rude, as I wish to not tarry your time. I'm afraid, however, that my primarily eastern diet has limited me from this thing you call 'cake.' What is it?"