[b]Name:[/b] [i]Cormac "Zero Day" Leclaire[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b][hider=Image] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/083/7/0/u_dare_stealin_my_ram__by_mandioca-d4trngb.jpg][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] +[b]Chaotic Neutral/True Neutral[/b] [i]In the true sense of the terms. Although he tends to oscillate between true neutral and chaotic neutral behaviour from time to time, he generally acts without real regards to conventional understandings of morality. He might not condone murder, destruction of property and other typically "evil" acts, but cares very little for theft, invasions of privacy and manipulation of other people for his own ends. The way he sees it, as long as it doesn't permanently injure other people, it is perfectly fine.[/i] + [b]Smart Ass[/b] [i] To put it kindly, Cormac isn't exactly the type of person who knows when to shut up. Cocky, overconfident and quick witted, he has a tendency to get on other people's nerve rather quickly. Although he can be serious when the situation calls for it, that doesn't exactly happen often, and even then he will generally find an opportunity to make at least one annoying quip at someone else's expense. People who take everything seriously and the scientifically illiterate are his preferred targets.[/i] + [b]Hyperactive[/b] [i]He is essentially Wikipedia on steroids with an attention deficit disorder, minus the punctuation. "Verbal diarrhea" and "Word vomit" are two commonly used terms to describe the gigantic blocks of text he frequently spews forth on other people. He is fully aware of this distinction, but doesn't really seem to care, and is frequently quoted saying that he's "not speaking too quickly, other people are thinking too slowly".[/i] + [b]Analytic[/b] [i]Although it might not seem as such on the surface, Cormac pays excessive amounts of attention to his surroundings, if only by sheer virtue of his power, and is able to accurately map out everything in his vicinity in his head. From the tiniest cat hair on someone's shoulder to the slight specks of mud on someone's shoe, he appears to notice even the most insignificant details, and can extrapolate enormous amounts of data from the tiniest bits of information. Which isn't to say that said extrapolations will necessarily be accurate, but they do have an uncanny tendency to be true.[/i] + [b]Curious[/b] [i] To Cormac, the universe is just one big mystery to unravel. If something happens, there must be a reason, and if there is a reason, he will find it. Where do people's powers come from? How do they work? Can they be replicated? What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen European swallow? Knowledge is power. It is both the how and the why, the end and the means, the tool and the objective.[/i] + [b]Reckless[/b] [i] For someone with an IQ that cannot be accurately measured using standardised testing, he can sure get himself into phenomenally bad situations. Confident in his ability to think his way out of things and improvise, it is not uncommon for him to leap head first into easily avoidable troublesome scenarios, only to find that he may have slightly overestimated his own capabilities a few moments later. Yet another proof that cunning, intelligence and knowledge do not necessarily equate with wisdom.[/i] + [b]Meme Factory[/b] [i]NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD![/i] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Cormac is, to put it exceedingly simply, really really smart. Due to some uncanny kink in genetics, he has somehow developed with the ability to process information at several hundred times the speed of a regular human. Give him a five hundred page book and he'll finish it under half an hour. Then he'll recite it by heart... Backwards. Furthermore, in addition to eidetic memory and greatly accelerated thought processes, he is also capable of incredible feats of creativity, engineering and intuition that most normal humans wouldn't even be able to imagine, even if given an analogue length of time. Specifically, he has demonstrated a particular aptitude when it comes to the fields of robotics, programming and general engineering, and he has been known to be able to understand and improve the workings of complicated mechanical devices with incredible ease. So far, this has mostly manifested with an ability to make advanced modern technological devices with very limited resources, although it might eventually lead to him making tools several decades in advance in regards to the current technological level. Because his ability forces him to constantly function on a level of intellectual activity that most people would rarely experience in their entire lifetimes, he often overexerts his brain's capabilities and will frequently find himself suffering from massive migranes typically associated with high-level telepaths or telekinetics. Loss of sleep, fever, hyperactivity, obsessive behavior and difficulty concentrating on mundane tasks are also frequent side effects. His body also naturally has greatly enhanced energetic requirements, and must consume nearly five time the amount of carbohydrates the average human requires. In short, he is basically a realistic technopath.[/i] [hider=Credits] Image from [url=http://leliumoj.deviantart.com/]Leliumoj[/url] on deviantart. [/hider]