In silence and stillness, Yuan Lao sat at the end of his table, practically alone as many that might have spoken to him held their tongues when they realized that he wasn't in much of a speaking mood. He was leaned against the back of his chair, as though thinking it a recliner. A classic 'deep thinking' pose, he gazed blankly across the hall, intimidating the few people that managed to catch his eyes with their own. Even as his students took their seats at his side, he remained passively attentive. It wasn't until he heard Kengo's voice speaking over his air of silence that he focused in on the apprentices, all of whom, by then, had arrived at the table. The Master looked to Kengo as he would have looked at any of the castle's guards or attendants. The boy had been amid the keep since he was an infant; Lao, with the help of others living and working in the castle had played vital roles in his upbringing; so naturally, his affinity towards news, gossip and political matters from the worlds beyond Old Bastion was nothing meager. He scowled, more so towards the continued focus on the troubles of the wise men than at Kengo's commentary. "Suspicious? Possibly. Important? I would certainly hope so. Many a man of wisdom has happened upon Old Bastion seeking to inform me of one matter or another. None have ever been so secretive of their reports before; even eating in their quarters is something out of the ordinary for most visitors. Above all else, this is something worrisome. Any news that can't be shared in public bids all the more ill to the people of this world, and others." Lao's head shook. His scowl evaporated and a soft smile took its place upon his face. Looking around the table he met each of his apprentices directly in the eye. "But let us not worry about the priests just yet," he said. "We will eat. Then we will all visit their quarters. I will speak to them in your presence. It could be a valuable lesson in your training; a Keybearer must be knowledgeable of the state of the world's beyond their home. For now though, let us enjoy our breakfast." Removing himself from his seat, he moved towards the buffet, where a gracious selection of foods had been set out by the cooks. Decisively, Lao helped himself to a trio of pancakes topped with a modest covering of syrup, eggs and a large bowl of mixed fruits before returning to the table; overall, in a better mood than he had been moments before.