Main Entry: 2ab·er·rant
Pronunciation: \a-ˈber-ənt, ə-, -ˈbe-rənt; ˈa-bə-rənt, -ˌber-ənt, -ˌbe-rənt\
Function: noun
Date: 1938
1 : a group, individual, or structure that is not normal or typical : an aberrant group, individual, or structure 2 : a person whose behavior departs substantially from the standard
This RP is a modern fantasy setting. It begins three days before a major bioterrorism attack that's world wide. Millions to billions of people will die.
Anarchy will run in the streets.
Hope for most will be lost.
Not for the Abberants, however.
Abberants are humans with a twist: they have a special power, which can be identified by the symbol or symbols that are marked on their bodies. More powers can be obtained.
Abberants are immune to the virus that's in the air, but they can die from it- this is where Testament comes into play.
Testament is an extremist and fundamentalist group of Abberants who found mass quantities of the virus, and they have gone militant. You don't like how they do things? You get infected. You resist? Infection. You think differently? Infected.
The main goal of this RP is to stop Testament and their master plan- to increase virus levels in the air and wipe out humanity.
Pronunciation: \a-ˈber-ənt, ə-, -ˈbe-rənt; ˈa-bə-rənt, -ˌber-ənt, -ˌbe-rənt\
Function: noun
Date: 1938
1 : a group, individual, or structure that is not normal or typical : an aberrant group, individual, or structure 2 : a person whose behavior departs substantially from the standard
This RP is a modern fantasy setting. It begins three days before a major bioterrorism attack that's world wide. Millions to billions of people will die.
Anarchy will run in the streets.
Hope for most will be lost.
Not for the Abberants, however.
Abberants are humans with a twist: they have a special power, which can be identified by the symbol or symbols that are marked on their bodies. More powers can be obtained.
Abberants are immune to the virus that's in the air, but they can die from it- this is where Testament comes into play.
Testament is an extremist and fundamentalist group of Abberants who found mass quantities of the virus, and they have gone militant. You don't like how they do things? You get infected. You resist? Infection. You think differently? Infected.
The main goal of this RP is to stop Testament and their master plan- to increase virus levels in the air and wipe out humanity.