[b]Name:[/b] Arua Ishkibal [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/b63d9d350af544b82c620ddf232be6e8/tumblr_mki311ue571r1f3lfo1_1280.jpg] 「 Our Fine Protagonist 」 [/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Arua is a bit of a brash, honest, but tries-to-be-friendly guy. He doesn't hide his feelings about whats going on, nor does he go out of his way to be abrasive about it either. He simply speaks his mind when its asked for or is necessary, while keeping a friendly attitude whenever possible. He isn't always quick to anger, although his temper can be short when others continuously act in ways that he believe are either dumb, unnecessarily cruel, or are being too much of a goody-two-shoes. When it comes to work, Arua does what he needs to do and although he isn't against civilian casualties, he knows when something like that is unnecessary or is needed for the mission to be a success. [b]Biography:[/b] Arua was blessed with a middle-class family that treated him and those around him well. His parents kind, and neighbors sweet. He lived what could be known as what a peasant would wish for their children if they moved up the social apparatus. For although they didn't have much, they could be considered rich for they did not desire more than they had. They were rich with happiness, and each other. However, this wasn't how things were to stay, for Arua's parents made a grave mistake and had to pay for it dearly. Although they hadn't done anything necessarily too wrong, only knocked into a higher-class family's carriage and broke a few of their valuables they had planned on selling, the said family took in Arua's under the guise of 'repaying the debts they owed'. However as Arua learned of what happened to his mother and father, he couldn't believe their suffering was worth less than that of the money the family could have lost. Lucky for Arua, however, that the family his parent's had a debt too weren't too interested in children. However, they certainly thought that Arua would make a fine servant if he continued to grow as they thought he would. So as his parents were tortured for the sake of their debt, and as the family pseudo-helped Arua as he grew older, a plan began to formulate in his little head. He would steal the sword the family used to torture his parents, and get revenge for them and their suffering, and save them as well! This was not what had happened though, for although Arua had managed to acquire the sword of his oppressors, the night he went in for the kill was the night that night raid decided to intervene as well. As it turns out, the family he owned money too was also part of a slightly-larger group of wealthy citizens who would help each other find lower-classed members and would sell them out to each other. They had planned on selling Arua in a few days, after they had killed off his parents when they were bored with torturing them. Thanks to night raid though, this didn't happen, and Arua wasn't to learn about this much later on. So, as Arua witnessed the kills he had wanted to make stolen in front of him by a group of what he could only consider to be 'vigilante assassins', he did what he could to follow them and to try to join. He called out to the man he assumed to be their leader and almost broke out in tears while asking him if Arua could join them, that was two years ago. Since that day, Arua has been an official member of night raid. [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m03hen24wf1r9onlto1_1280.jpg] The weapon of choice for our little hero. [/url] [b]Extra:[/b]