Name: 'Gin' Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Clicky[/url] 6'2". Pale blond hair, bright emerald green eyes. Pale, white skin. Covered with scars. Is missing the top part of his left ear, missing a bit of his tongue as well. Cloths are favorably in darker colors and easy to remove, aside from his most favored scarf, which for some reason is lime green with various other shades of green and yellow. Weapon: Pocket Knife [hider=Personality] Gin is like a child in many ways. He is rather innocent when it comes down to it and doesn't appear to be fully capable of lying without giving himself away. He easily gets excited over small, trivial things and tends to ask countless questions when he is curious about something... which is far too often for anyone's good. He is rather impulsive as well, especially when it involves other people, be it he trusts them or not. He likes having other people around most of the time and tends to shadow people if they will allow him to do so, as he becomes rather restless when left alone for too long, especially indoors. Though Gin is not all smiles and questions, he gets fairly irritated if someone he doesn't know touches him or stands too close. He has been known to get violent over such things as well, he has a -huge- thing about his personal space. [/hider] [hider=Biography]Gin was born in the Entertainment District to a prostitute. His first few years of life were quite rough and eventually he was sold into an illegal slave-trading ring. He was sold rather quickly to a rather peculiar high-class fellow, whom for the first several years of owning Gin practically ignored his entire existence aside from insuring that he was well fed and locked securely in his cage. But as all good things come to an end, when he finally stopped ignoring Gin's existence, his life became hell. He was forced to endure countless hours of torment for the amusement of his owner and his friends, at first ranging from mere cuts with a knife to horrid physical beatings that often left the young child unconscious for several days. While he barely survived such things, as he grew older it only got worse. Broken bones, puncturing one of his eardrums, the list just went on and on. Gin's chance for escape appeared only once and at a nearly impossible time. He had been poisoned and was utterly delirious with pain, thinking he was unable to do any harm, the various weapons and tools that had been used on him were carelessly left out. While their backs were turned, Gin did the unthinkable. He got to his feet and grabbed the nearest object and attempted to impale himself with it. Thankfully though one of the men nearby managed to catch him before he plunged the simple knife into his own throat, but it didn't stop Gin from stabbing the man who stopped him instead. From there the scene played out rather simply, after having stabbed the first man, the others freaked out and turned to kill Gin. Sadly for them though, despite obviously having more of an advantage than the half-dead teenager, had no hopes of winning now that he actually held a weapon. Try as they might they couldn't get close enough without getting wounded themselves. Since the warehouse locked from the outside, they were unable to escape his wrath and ended up being slaughtered. He tried to break out from the door, but was unable to do so. Eventually he fell unconscious. A while Gin awoke in a strange place, covered in bandages and receiving treatment. He barely recalled what had happened after he had been force-fed the poison, but from what he had been told, he narrowly escaped getting caught by local police forces. While he wasn't even sure how he got there, he didn't mind it too much. After that, his life gradually changed for the better. The people who had apparently 'found' him were kind enough to teach him about the world he had been locked off from all of his life while he recovered from the poison and other wounds that had yet to heal. It was a somewhat slow process, but Gin was so eager to learn more about the world and the city that it really didn't seem as bad as it actually was. Gin wanted to take action against all slave owners. It wasn't long after he had recovered that he started to take action, with a simple pocket knife. [/hider] [hider=Extra]-Gin does not trust people enough to stand behind him, not even a corpse. If he lets you stand behind him, consider it to be the ultimate sign of his trust. -He is deaf in his left ear and partially blind in his left eye as well. But don't let that fool you into thinking he is any less competent with his knife. -Its rare, but if someone manages to catch Gin off guard, he is actually fairly jumpy. -Gin is... a bit unorthodox, especially with clothing and eating. [/hider] --- EDIT: Fixed a few things.