Isadora trailed behind the leader of the mysterious group, Keyblade still within her grip, swinging at her side. Two of the group members stayed behind her, so she never let her guard down, just in case this did turn out to be some sort of attack. The leader's crooked smile and sarcastic tone had been somewhat unsettling earlier, but she had yet to utter a word. The group had formed some kind of a misshapen circle around her, as if they were her personal guards. It was quite foolish to think that they were anything close to that though considering the lack of details about the situation she found herself in. His words echoed in her ears: [i] "Don't worry, we don't bite, unless you bite first." [/i] Her eyes shifted towards her extravagant Keyblade, chains wrapped loosely around the shaft with dead, yellow eyes that were planted in two spots. As powerful as it looked, she still felt somewhat awkward with it--as if the very image of her holding it was some sort of bluff. Although she didn't have a chance to learn much about it and how she could become one with its movements, she desperately wanted to. It was as if the darkness in her heart was seeping energy through her palm and into the weapon whenever she held it. Her eyes danced around her environment. The group had remained silent for the most part after the lack of introduction, so she was able to listen to music the jungle created. Birds sung songs of joy to one another, leaves whispered secrets into the wind, and dead, stiff branches and flowers crunched underneath her feet with each step she took. It was calming, which was especially nice considering the previous shock of her rude awakening. Breaking away from the near-daydream, she thought back to what the leader said earlier. [i]The "big man" wants to see me? Could it be... Axeus? Or could it be some other enemy?[/i] She almost wanted to break the silence by asking who this man was, but she didn't bother considering she'd find out soon enough. She didn't really know how to use her weapon very well, but if it came to it, she sure as hell would do her best. After a little while of walking, they finally reached their destination--a rustic looking building shrouded in various forms of greenery. From another section of the forest, another group emerged. All except one of them had the same look as the members of her group--one was a boy that almost comically stood out from the lot. He had an aura about him that screamed happiness and light; Isadora slightly frowned before shifting her gaze back on the temple. Once the leaders of the two groups acknowledged each other, they entered the temple. As they slowly crept through the entrance, a wave of uneasiness came over her. It felt like someone was blowing snowy air into their sweaty faces. Negative thoughts and darkness overcame her entire being. It was as if the invisible demons of the night were invading her body--however, she didn't mind this feeling. It felt [i]right[/i]. The darkness in that temple felt like a newfound home. Relishing the feelings, Isadora closed her eyes, following the group's footsteps with her ears until a booming voice was heard. [i]"Greetings, my guests. My name is Axeus. What brings you to this far-flung corner of the cluster?"[/i] Isadora slowly opened her amber eyes, fixing them on the being that sat atop his black throne proudly. His face and the look in his fiery eyes felt like they were hypnotizing her. He almost appeared inhuman--like some sort of being that flung itself from the darkest world in the universe. His presence captivated, mystified, and thrilled her. She wanted to know more about him. [i]...Wait. He's Axeus. It's[/i] him. Her heart leapt in her chest excitedly. The crash on this world didn't turn out to be the end of her journey. This is where it would all begin--Helena's spirit felt like it was filling her brain with joy. Her face did not show these emotions, but feelings she didn't know she had filled her being to the brim. It was an odd experience, to say the least. Before she decided it was time to speak, she was interrupted by a fireball moving across the room, first making its way around the other kid next to her, and then circling around her body. She was confused and slightly irritated, making this known the Axeus's... minion that stood by his side, him mumbling something about gathering details regarding their height, weight, and age. Why was that even important? She would have told this directly to Axeus if he desired to inquire. She opened her mouth to speak once again before the other kid, now known as Kotaro, rushed forward towards the throne like a child spotting a candy store and introduced himself, sputtering some type of nonsense regarding his previous partner, Tamius. She scoffed to herself when he mentioned how long he had been searching for Axeus... one week. A week! If only her journey had lasted a mere week. [i]Try three years, kid.[/i] She ran a free hand through her slick black hair and silently sighed, waiting patiently for her turn to speak while shooting visual daggers his way. She hoped that at the very least, he had a fighting spirit, because his mouth was nothing to make note of. Kotaro's introduction finally came to an end, and Isadora glanced around the room, making sure no one else wanted to chime in. The room was silent and had a cold aura which made her spirit calm. She looked up at Axeus and saw that he was waiting for her to speak, and taking a few steps forward, now just a few feet behind the still-bowing Kotaro, she lowered her head, picking it back up to meet his gaze a few moments later. "I am Isadora of Otherverse, Master. I once knew a Key Bearer named Helena that fought alongside you in the battle with the World Eater--she told me many things about you." She paused and half-grinned deviously, making sure he knew that Helena had only great things to say about him, and that even though she had never met him, Isadora gave him her utmost respect. "I have been searching three years," saying this with emphasis on the last bit, shooting a glance at Kotaro and then continuing, "for you, and I suppose my journey has now come to an end. It would be an honor to become your apprentice as Helena wished."