[quote=ReaptheMusic] For the sake of argument, Isn't Yui a centuries old all knowing being teaching new generations on how to be a dawn slayer because she herself was evidently one of the best of her time? Isn't self control one of the biggest things professed in being a warrior of any kind whatsoever? And if so that would make her a horrible influence on the children (young adults) she teaches and ironically can push them subconsciously into their own bad habits that may or may not have pushed someone like say... Dios... into forming their own bad habits that might have included a simple train of thought that built up upon itself and lead to the destruction of the former vice principals reputation? I'm just saying, I mean, everyone can pick their poison as they please but for someone in such a high power of influence such as Yui, such a habit could push onto others in their own way.Please don't take this as me being an ass o3o I find the concept interesting [/quote] ............ *is now scared to touch sugar for fear of being a psychopath* e_3