Ifrit didn't hesitate to follow his orders, galloping off. Though heavy smoke shielded him from the suns hateful glare, as dimmed as it was, the light still hurt when rays bled through, burning away at his obsidian skin. As he sped across the hills, propelled by his powerful muscles, a thick trail of smog was left, the dark tendrils slowly spreading their grasp across the land. His feet scorched the earth as he ran, fury in his eyes. He let out a deep roar as he approached the razed town. Though nothing unordinary was visible to the naked eye, a deep whiff revealed all that Ifrit needed to know. Masking their scent beneath the smoke of fires that burned the houses were men that stunk of poverty and treachery. Yes, Ifrit would take pleasure in making these men pay for their crimes. He thought for a moment. What had these men done to deserve he wrath? He hadn't paid much mind to his orders past 'kill'. Surely enough, as he approached the looters, he could hear screams as they fled, tripping over their own feet in fear. A deep inhuman noise filled their ears, as close to laughter as Ifrit had gotten. Before those brave enough to move could make it ten feet, their eyes and throats were filled with a smoke that almost aggressively tore at their insides, bringing them to their knees. Within mere moments of the smog filling their eyes, a dark claw cut through it, ending the suffering with a quick slash across the throat. Those who tried to hide we're not met with such mercy. Like sheep, he herded the last living dozen or so men into a circle made of their fallen brethren. As they cowered, Ifrit let out a massive roar, causing them to simply cower even more. The massive monster stared down at the disgusting cowards below him, waiting expectantly for them to run, and they did not fail to deliver. Though Ifrit felt a deep need to kill them as they ran, he could feel Shaiges orders lingering in his mind- he was not ready to disobey a direct order from his master. Ifrit was satisfied with his work, a quick walk around proved his methods were effective at removing those stupid enough to intrude on his masters territory. He looked up to the sky, now obscured by a thick pillar of black smoke that had made its journey slowly skyward, obscuring the sun from view. [i]Perfect. Now the patrols will know just where to find me.[/i] Ifrit thought to himself, as he slowly staked towards the forest, where he could hide. The trail of smoke that followed him made for a nice little trail of breadcrumbs- though these breadcrumbs did not lead to a candy house.