[I]"And who might you be!?... get those away from me... I don't take your poison... the cake's obviously a Lie!... I rather hunt down and eat a raw rat than eat that thing... and trust me because I have,,, thought I prefer them grilled... And no! I don't have any weaknesses like allergy you can exploit... and my diet consist of eating anything I can salvage... except for things like those... icky snobby treats, likely poisoned... "[/I] Each negative word about the cake was like a knife to the heart. Aram was fine with being discriminated for being a former incubus, that was fine...but cake was cake! Cake was nothing but pure thought and innocent dreams. Feeling a little bit faint, still, he vowed. As the student ran off, he vowed to have her enjoy a full meal one of these school days! Even if it killed him! As suddenly as that shock happened, another female student strode up to him and introduced herself with a little bow. In turn, a hand still holding the plate of cake up, the demon himself bowed to the student politely, "Nice to meet you Miss Deja Rith. I...am Aram Pollux, the cooking class and sex-ed teacher." ...before righting himself. If one student wasn't planning on having it, it didn't mean the other couldn't enjoy it, "Bread and cake are in the same category, and both have existed for a long time before even some races of demon...surely, you must have eaten a form of it at some point in your life?" Giving her a teasing smile, he chuckled a little bit, raising the plate lightly, "This one is a lightly iced and lightly spiced chai tea cake." Taking a moment to list off all of the herb and spices of the standard chai tea, he paused thoughtfully, "This was the vegan version...in place of regular milk, there is instead a soymilk." Thinking about such a cake not being eaten...a depressing thought, perish it! Giving her a charming smile, Aram reached and gently put the fork into her hand, ignoring the arm pain as usual, and asked her almost imploringly, "Try it. It isn't too sweet...?" ----- If the headmistress thought the presence of tears was odd for a toaster, his sweating bullets at the mention of an 'ex'...well, the little toaster was sweating bullets. [b]"E-E-E-EX? ERM..."[/b] The little toaster had to think carefully about what he should say, honestly of course, or else his headmistress's opinion of him would sour...[b]"W-WHICH ONE HAVE YOU BEEN HEARING OF, OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA?"[/b]