"Trick?" The boy held up the second dagger to catch the sun's light. "No, no trick. I suppose that was a bad example. It would have been difficult to confirm whether he was actually responsible for the blade's destruction. Invisible powers are potent, but for this purpose I require something a bit flashier." The boy's eyes found the girl with the fire hair. She was panicking quite loudly. It wouldn't do to cause her any more reason to panic. So the boy waited until her back was to him before launching the dagger at her head. It flew straight at her, and then all of a sudden there was a rushing sound as the dirt around her was lifted up into the air and the blade was knocked high into the air. It disappeared into the far treetops. No, that one was no good either. He needed one that could be seen clearly. Something that visibly came from its owner. The golden dagger that he had just thrown reappeared in the boy's outstretched hand suddenly. He'd had to search through half the forest to find the thing, but it was worth retrieving. Next target then. The blonde girl, she was a blood relation to the loud one, and a close one at that. They would be sisters most likely. The loud one didn't look old enough to be the other's mother, and the other was less likely. The boy threw the dagger at her, at the blonde sister. What better way of convincing the loud one. If this one was a dud as well he would have to just throw one at her next. She would no doubt become even louder if he did that though, whereas the sister showing the power was likely to make her less loud, if only temporarily. The dagger hit true, the tip touching right between the blonde girl's eyes right before the world lit up brighter than a fallen star. The boy contained the initial blast of energy and sound with a cage of metal and his body. If he hadn't the girl's power would have in the best case scenario killed everyone around her. In the worse case scenario, it would have awoken the powers of all of the gods at once. Damn gods of lightning, always having to go overboard. When the initial flash faded, the cage of metal was long gone without a sign of ever being built and the boy stood where he had without any sign of injury or indeed even movement. But there was a small crater around the girl's feet, and lining the bottom was freshly created glass. The air around her still crackled with sparks of electricity as her hair slowly returned to its 'down' position. The boy was surprised to see that that part of her body had been affected by the electricity. The rest of her body had been completely untouched. No, not untouched. The electricity had come from her in the first place. It was likely the electricity had simply tried to escape in every way it could. Still, he'd never seen a god of lightning have their hair stand up like that. Though he supposed he'd never seen a god of lightning with quite so much hair to begin with. The boy turned without a word and walked to the door. He stopped before it and turned just enough to look into the dark boy's eye. "You're a god, what right do you have to be afraid?" He pushed it inwards and then slid it to the left into the side of the rock wall. The metal handle prevented the door from completely disappearing. He walked through the doorway without a second glance behind. He was mildly upset at having lost two of his daggers in such a short time. The boy stood just inside the doorway so that he couldn't be seen from outside. The hallway he stood in was unlit, with perfectly smooth floors and walls of white, though in the shadows they appeared more gray except where the light from the doorway fell. He waited patiently, looking into the darkness passively.