Deja had to chuckle as well, her blindfolded eyes keeping her from seeing what the cake looked like or for that matter what Aram looked like. "Well... I have had many rice based treats before... but the only bread I've ever eaten is Melon Bread..." She took the plate in her hand and the fork... then paused. A fork... she was never very good with these. Spending her whole life using chop sticks she was told she looked foolish by her father using such an eating instrument. Mentally preparing herself for the possible embarrassment of fork utilage, she slowly took a piece of cake (this took her a few tries, cake has no spiritual signature and thus this could get very messy) and brought it to her lips. She took it into her mouth for a moment.... And was still. Then in a poetic eruption of bliss in which cherry blossoms swirled around them briefly and the cutest, most stupid looking smile came over Dejas face. Somewhere someone was having their first kiss, a new child was born and rivers of the valleys thrived in sparkling glee as Deja spoke once more with a blush on her face.... "It's so good~" She continue the eat the cake, savoring each bite, little flowers and hearts hovering around her. "Mmmm~ >u< When is your class? I believe you are my first period this day."