Shitsui was on the couch while this whole talk was going on. He laid on his back, with his legs on the arms of the chair while he stared at Death. He didn't really much care for his leaders name, why he used it, and why he hid his face a lot. What he did care was that this was another chance to get his hand bloody. The very thought of it made him grin with delight. He felt as if he would explode with joy! For now, however, he kept his cool. With Death's words finally over, he stood up, and stretched. "[b]This'll be a perfect chance to see some good old fashioned violence...perfect." He chuckled and placed his hands on his hips. "[b]So, who wants to head to the Entertainment District with me? I wouldn't mind a bit of gambling or so before our test, maybe some drinking. I'm buying![/b]" Though it was unusual to see Shitsui offering others to buy for them, it wasn't the weirdest thing he'd done. Without a word, he barged out of the Safe House and immediately headed toward the Entertainment District, remembering the time he was needed. Nothing in the world would keep him from wanting to lay out this fun event for him. In fact, he had been gripping at his jeans for a while to keep his murderous intentions in check. It was a struggle, but he always found a way to manage.