Amaya sat up straight as she watched Death and waited for his speech. They were called into the room for a meeting, and she guessed that they were going to be given their tasks. At long last, it has finally come. She listened to every word he said with earnest and eager attention. A screen came down from the ceiling, showing them pictures of the targets, the location of the houses, the security guards, and the surroundings; Basically everything they needed to know about the different households. The room was silent as everyone listened, [b]"For those who are wondering what we shall find in these households and their warehouses..."[/b] Amaya's gaze turned back to the screen as the images switched, and were replaced by gruesome pictures, displaying the cruelty that lurked within the households. Amaya's expression remained blank and unresponsive as always, but she could feel her blood boiling at the sight. As Death was about to show them their specific teams for this weak's missions, she locked her fingers together and leaned forward. She was on the first team, so spotting her name only took her a split second. Her gaze moved over the names of her teammates, and she eyed the names for a moment before leaning back against her chair with a sigh. Her expression was calm and unchanging, so it was always hard to tell what was going on in her mind. It was going to be pretty challenging being on the same team as Ntobi and Gin. Amaya and Ntobi were probably the total opposites. While Amaya took her missions very seriously and wanted to end them quick without fail, Ntobi loved to take her time with her victims. She was also crazily unpredictable at times, and would sometimes cause failure. As for Gin, teamwork wasn't going to be easy with him, due to his distrustful nature. All these things aside, they both were strong and capable assassins. She had trust in their abilities. Amaya's train of thoughts broke when Death spoke once again, [b]"As for now, you may rest, eat or even practice your skills, for your tests will start tonight! At 1200 sharp!"[/b] With that said, Amaya got up from her seat and pushed her chair in. The others have already started to decide what they were going to do before the tests started. Shitsui immediately headed for the Entertainment District as soon as the meeting ended, and Katsui and Lila decided to go to the courtyard. Amaya, on the other hand, left the room without saying a word. She was headed to the training area as always. Amaya spent most of her time training or hunting. People would often say that training has already become an obsession for her. That wasn't the case though, it just seemed like the normal thing for her to do. At a young age, she already spent her days training with her sister; doing anything else besides it on her free time just felt a little unnatural. As she reached the training grounds, she took a seat at one of the chairs located at the side. She decided to polish her swords and get them ready for tonight's job; a habit that she had grown accustomed to. Amaya was already looking forward to completing tonight's mission. Not only did it give her the satisfaction to eliminate society's trash, but every mission they completed was another step closer to finishing them all. Whatever happens, she was going to see it through till the end.