[i]I will not fail to captivate.[/i] [center]The silently chuckling standing individual persisted to wear the guise of an attentive acolyte, claiming to exist here to proliferate the numbers of the happy unfortunate. Under the guise was a creature who simply desired to entertain. [/center] Jack's eyes seemed to be examining the room, shifting from one place to another rather quickly while partially listening to the words uttered by Death. So many possibilities and means through which Jack could please existed, he proceeded to manifest thoughts of ploys inside his mind. The remarks made by Death soon lowered him from his reality to what was unfortunately actuality. The abnormality of his wonderland became clear as he was no longer plucking hairs and ascending into amputation to entertain his fake imaginary congregation. He peered around at his allies and noticed that Death seemed to need a hug. However disorderly and punishable it was, a hug is what was needed. Jack barely restrained himself as Death continued to speak. [i]"Before you all start asking how this information was gained, I collected it myself before I started this team. Concealing myself within the shadows, as I wrote down every single bit of information and taking pictures of the families, surrounding and even their guards."[/i] [i]Wow. He must be great at getting pics of people with their pants down... Perhaps I will require his services later hmmm?[/i] Soon after this statement was made and Jack attempted to make a joke out of it, he dug his nails into his own hand. No noise would be made by either him reacting or the action itself. He made a distasteful joke. It was bitter and not clever at all. More self-harm would be required before he forgave himself. It was not a joke his father would have made, it was idiotic and a waste of the energy needed to come up with it. No punishment that couldn't draw attention would be fitting. [i]Save it for later and pay attention...[/i] "For those who are wondering what we shall find in these households and their warehouses..." The images of all the shitty entertainment exhibited by Death aggravated him. He was not captivated by these forms of entertainment, anyone including himself could make people quarrel to the death, make other humans the equivalent of a beast or furniture, or even make others preform in a fashion that would gratify others sexually. Not willingly, but he could. These forms of amusement required no real thought. No talent. It was nauseating. He would have to show them all what real spectacles are. In the midst of all his thoughts jumping back and forth between ways to tie the knot that would keep his audience from escaping and butchering them afterwdeathards, he missed much of what happened in actuality. Apparently they are being put into groups. Paired with Nikaido and Arua... He didn't know who anyone was here except and he would probably have to wait for them to find him. [i]"To reassure your questions. These teams will each attack an household through out the week! So be careful, because if one of you screws up, the entire team will be punished, or even in the worse scenario... Killed"[/i] [i]... I love his optimism.[/i] Not his best but tolerable, this joke was passable in his book. Joke book that is. Jack being new to the group looked around at his acquaintances and hopefully soon to be companions. One of them offering refreshments, two going into the courtyard, and many others. The boy and girl leaving the rest of the group received Jack's attention before he realized it would be too easy to make a joke... He simply stayed standing and observing his surroundings. He eventually let a few utterances calmly escape his lips, "...Who is Arua... or Nikaido ?" Whether he met them or not before,he was poor with names. He grinned, hoping one of his allies would present themself to him.