Katsu watched her reaction to what he said. He turned himself to her and kept listening to her carefully as she told him her tale. He was slightly confused at the girl's initial surprise to his approach to Death. [b][i]"Well, listen up this is the story of how I became a Night Raid member."[/i][/b] A rare look of pity appeared on Katsu's face as she explained how she had lived before joining. He could more or less relate, having known the life alone on the streets. He heard a small shivering in her voice as she continued to speak. [b][i]"I was making another run, but this was a big one, it was this drug lord Jonny, he lived in the Yellow District so you know he had money."[/i][/b] He gave the girl a heartwarming smile, hoping it would make her speak more comfortably. [b][i]"I drugged him... but the drugs didn't last long, when had woke up he saw me stealing his jewellery."[/i][/b] She went on to talk about how Death had come and saved her. [b][i]"After he saved my life, I chose to come with him, it was either that or end up dying from another run."[/i][/b] Katsu opened his mouth as if to speak but stopped himself, seeing the tears rolling down the girl's cheeks. After a few moments of silence, Lila ran past him, back into the building. He knew better than to yell after her. As the girl disappeared from his sight, a faint smile appeared on his face, glad that his new friend could at least feel sadness. [i]Poor girl...[/i] He started walking towards the training grounds. [i]She'll be good to work with, apparently. For now, I should leave her alone... I don't want to stress her out more before the job.[/i]