Finished! Name: Kalk Zelo Age: 16 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [img=] [img=] Stands at around 5'4, dark grey hair, and grey eyes. Her entire back seems to be covered in some very nasty chemical burns with arching tubes sticking out. On her hands, her ring finger and pinkie finger are seemingly fused together in a horrific way, to a point where it seems only a few layers of mutated skin actually connects them. [/hider] Personality: *Skeptical: Tends to ask more questions than most people. Keeps a critical mind about her. *Dark Sense of Humor: "Dead baby jokes are my favorite!" *Soft Speaker: While not exactly the quiet type, Kalk only speaks when spoken to or when she feels the need to really question something. Even when she does speak, she will barely open her disfigured mouth. *Friendly: Despite the obstacles, Kalk tries to remain friendly towards people. *Fearless with a death wish: In the sense that she doesn't care that much about her own life that she rarely is ever scared of anything threatening. Not to a sucidal sense mind you. *Exhausted sadness: There always seems to be a depressing air around her, just barley noticeable to people who meet her. Power: Matter Control- This power allows her to control how fast molecules are moving in most substances. In simpler terms, she can heat something up to a point where it will melt, or suddenly freeze it. She has to be touching the surface of the object and she can only effect an area of 2 feet in diameter. So be careful when you shake her hand, cause she might just freeze it off.... or melt it.... whichever one she is in the mood for.