Although Arua admittedly hadn't been paying attention before, his mind was quick to re-wind and re-show him what he had 'missed' while he had been occupying himself with his imagination and slight fears. The slideshow of the atrocities committed were quick to make him sick to the gut, and he couldn't help but think some of them seemed to be in similar situations as his parents had been. The thought of his parents was enough to make Arua take a quick breather and to whisper a small prayer for them, hoping that they were safe as before. As his prayer ended, a few of the younger members were already on their way outside. Arua's gaze lazily followed the two members, Katsu and Lila, head out. He wasn't paying attention to their conversation so he didn't know what exactly caused it, but he figured that they were probably discussing something as teammates. [i] How sweet [/i] he both thought and mumbled. Sarcasm dripped from the words that he let out. As much as he loved watching people run off to discuss their wedding plans, his attention was shifted once more, this time, to the boy he believed to be Jack, or at least, he tried to.[i]Who is Arua?[/i] He stiffened, and quickly began to scan the room to find where the voice's source came from. However, it only took about a second until his eyes fell upon the boy. "I Would be Arua, I take it your jack? Or do you have some other business with me?" He asked. Arua knew that the boy was probably Jack, but it was better to be sure. He didn't want to embarrass himself or waste the guy's time if he had ended up not being his teammate. He had found the grin to be a bit offsetting, the boy had a look too him that was too happy to be normal. But offsetting or not, in the end it didn't mean much to Arua simply because he wasn't that tough to weird out.