Nikaido eased against her crutch, [i]Death[/i] was certainly an inspirational speaker, almost even reminding her of her favorite drill sergeant. After absorbing all the wonderful information, Nikaido moved on observing her new comrades in arms. More or less it was like staring into a patchwork blanket, so many individuals with a variety of stories, but each and every one of them had the one and same goal in mind; at least that's what Nikaido hoped. You can never tell with these kind of people, "her kind of people" as she'd like to tell herself; but killers are the unpredictable. One, two or a million, it never matters how many lives you've taken, a killer is not someone to be messed with. Breathing in deeply, Nikaido brought her weight to her crutch and hobbled to her new little squad, who seemed to be starting a "get to know you" ritual. Nikaido propped herself against the wall next to the two, brandishing an awkward smile, "Wouldn't it be so much better if we had name tags?" chuckling softly to try and break any ice, "So are we gonna do a round- the-robin sort of introduction? Maybe we can hang out, get some food and introduce ourselves?" Nikaido's eye darted restlessly, scanning up and down the two males in front of her. The pretty one was obviously Arua, as he stated clearly, and the creepy one was jack, also stated by the prior. Nikaido held up her free hand in lazy salute "Nikaido, crippled cyclops chick, total badass at poker, and veteran imperial guard dog. But you can just call me [i]Mistress[/i] or [i]My lady[/i]" Nikaido chimed, flashing a teasing smirk.