[i]"I Would be Arua, I take it your Jack? Or do you have some other business with me?"[/i] [i]Any business you do not know about already was and is meant to stay that way. My night-visits are nothing of your concern.[/i] Heh, Jack considered this statement ,that only he could ever be aware of , to be of tolerable flavor. He replied to his own statement that only existed in his mind with a chuckle. Although this may make him seem a bit deranged he did not care. Jokes that only the creator can perceive deserve as much as praise as those allocated. He would laugh at his own joke if he would like to, no matter how demented he would seem. After being sidetracked by his own thoughts that existed in a wonderland only he could wander madly in, he chose not to dismiss Arua and concluded his childish giggling. Well, he tried to. Laughter is just such a pleasant thing, even when something humorous is not displayed, it is quite enjoyable. His laugh itself began as something rather natural and filled with euphoria. It was somewhat amusing to hear and was somewhat melodic. It was a way of expressing ecstasy with those willing to listen to your laughter. Jack's hysterics soon became rather inharmonious. His laugh wasn't strained but it became similar to the cackling of a killer after a mass murder. This depiction of enjoyment he forced into himself did not exist for very long, soon Nikaido had placed herself next to Jack and Arua making him force his attention back to his comrades. He then noticed he actually forgot what Arua said. Just dandy. Oh well, Jack got past his laughter and realization to attempt to remember what was about to be said. [i]"So are we gonna do a round- the-robin sort of introduction? Maybe we can hang out, get some food and introduce ourselves?"[/i] "...Sounds exquisite, if somebody else is paying that is..." Jack simply didn't have any money. Well, currently. Slaughtering someone and taking their money was always an option the jokester is open to. Still, the idea of another person feeding him by choice seemed rather alluring. [i]"Nikaido, crippled cyclops chick, total badass at poker, and veteran imperial guard dog. But you can just call me Mistress or My lady"[/i] Jack just attempted to store this information in his mind for later use. It was a rather jocular introduction and Jack was pleased by it. It was then he remembered. [i]"I Would be Arua, I take it your Jack? Or do you have some other business with me?" [/i] [i]Only seems right I introduce myself....[/i] Jack took off his hat and bowed. "Jack. Jack Trottel... My lady." He placed his hat back onto his head before examining his allies. They are going to put on quite a show.