Gin sat cross-legged in his chair, lightly tapping his thumbs on his knees. His scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck with one loop around part of his head, a faint smile to be found on his face as he listened rather intently to Death. Despite being a guy of countless questions, Gin was a very diligent listener, especially when it pertained to work. Not that he really considered this work, it was more of a lifestyle choice, at least he thought so. Slowly he stopped tapping his thumbs on his knees, reaching for the laces of his boots. They went untied, as Gin had yet to learn how to correctly tie them and he didn't want to just keep tying them into knots or shoving them into his socks. Lazily he fiddles with the bits of lace, silent as ever. He diverted his emerald green gaze to the laces, suddenly finding it a bit tiring to keep looking up like that. Though his attention was drawn once again as Death began to mention what they would find in the homes and in the warehouses. Gin didn't really need to look at the pictures to know, but he felt oddly compelled to look regardless. There was something so very different about seeing pictures of something and living it first hand, and Gin had lived through such things, unknown to those here. He had survived the abuse, the poison, the drugs, all of it. And seeing the pictures only brought questions to his mind. Were these people already dead? Would they be dead soon? Would they be able to survive life outside of their cages? Not just the physical ones, but the mental ones...? Gin lightly shakes his head, though his eyes remain glued on the screen, he couldn't force himself to look away, not that it really would have mattered now anyway. He'd probably be thinking about the images until something else more pressing appeared. Having successfully ruined his own good mood, Gin carefully reaches his hands up and tugs on his ugly green and yellow scarf, pulling the overly large cloth a bit tighter around his neck. It was only a minor comfort though, he reminded himself as he unconsciously lifts a hand to the left side of his head. He begins to slowly trail a finger over what remained of his left ear, one of the last wounds that had been inflicted upon him before his escape. With the poison that had been in his system at the time, he hadn't even felt it over the agonizing feeling of his internal organs being aflame or the pounding headache that threatened to shatter his skull from the inside. Though he had noticed a time after he woke up, it wasn't all that big of a deal... it had been his first time looking into a mirror too! Eventually names appeared on the screen. Teams. Gin wasted not even a moment to find his name, quickly scanning the names around his. Amaya and Ntombi. Two women he had seen about, but not really ever spoken with. Actually, he hadn't really 'spoken' with anyone here. More of, he just hung around and occasionally asked questions when they popped into his head, especially about things he didn't really understand or know how to do. Amaya, if he recalled correctly, spent a great deal of her time training. He had seen her a couple of times, but kept his distance, like he did with everyone. Then there was Ntombi, who... he knew nothing about. He had been here a while and he knew at least a tiny bit about everyone, sort of, but he really didn't know anything about her. A frown suddenly forms onto Gin's face as Death would continue speaking. Slowly he lowers his hand and grabs his scarf once again, pulling it more up over his head and around his mouth before closing his eyes. So if any of them messed up, the others would suffer as well. [i]Great... just great.[/i] As the conversation comes to a close, Gin slowly pries his eyes ope once again and pushes himself out of his chair. He looks around and quickly catches sight of Amaya leaving. He groans faintly and slowly starts to make his way after her, once again fiddling with his overly large scarf while he walks, mulling over possible outcomes of this 'test'.