When people think of the word "assassin", they believe that these people are highly-trained, ruthless, cold, calculating stealth warriors with the sole task of ending lives in the cleanest way possible. If anyone could say the same about Ntombi then they had to be really, really stupid indeed. During the meeting, Ntombi didn't sit down on her chair like everyone else, but crouched on the edge and fiddled with a fraying patch on the cushion, not even giving 'Death' the courtesy of looking up. She was, in fact, incredibly bored; the conference room was her least enjoyable room to be in. Solo missions, group missions, all the same, she's been doing them for literally ages. [i]Why call yourself Death if all you're going to do is take photos....[/i] pondered Ntombi as she started plucking away at the sponge within the cushion of the seat. Everyone else was busy staring at the horrific images of torture, but Ntombi was content in finding out that the spongy filling of this chair was not a dark yellow but, in fact, a light green. Clearly, this information will be vital for the upcoming tasks. [b]"As for the jobs each one of you will gain, it will all depend upon these missions... So I shall warn you, for I shall also test you on your performance, teamwork and your own set of skills!"[/b] announced Death, and that was enough to make Ntombi look up in disbelief. She knew she wasn't the best of the best, but the fact she has to take this...this beginner's class really outraged her. Since she was looking up, she noticed that she was paired with someone called Amaya, and someone else called Gin. As yes, now she remembered; The stubborn little mask-girl and weird little scarf-boy. Why must she be the oldest? Ntombi thought she knew of one other, Nika...Niki...something, she was around the same age, right? But she was a year older than the damn leader himself, from what she managed to gain from rumours! It was stupid, having to baby-sit. Just then, Amaya up and left, without even bothering to look for her teammates. Ahhh, she's going to be the stubborn one...Ntombi could feel it in her bones. They both stank of inexperience. She wondered if either of them had even killed someone, watched their soul flutter out of their chest...Ntombi wondered if either of them could see souls. Inexperience. Ignorance. Ntombi had secrets of her tribe weighed in her mind that the pair of them wouldn't even imagine. Ntombi stomped down the corridors loudly and intentionally. She knew where mask-girl has tottered off to, because she's spent long enough in the HQ to know where people went as habit. On her way there, she passed scarf-boy Gin. [i]"Hurry up, cupcake!"[/i] called Ntombi, before breaking off into a run, jumping down the stairs twice at a time, and kicking open the doors leading to the Training room with an almighty crash. [i]"Right, brat, where have you gone and hid-...ah, there we go! Not much of a hider, are we? I'm Ntombi!"[/i] hollered Ntombi as she entered the room. Ntombi herself wouldn't be considered intimidating in the slightest, even with an understanding of her assassin status. She was, however, incredibly tall and lanky, with a bony figure and pale skin. Her eyes were a fierce, darkened amber and she decorated her lip and ears liberally with piercings. She wore filthy, worn-down cargo trousers with various burnt holes in them, completed with combat boots. Over her vest was a fishnet top, and on her head were a pair of goggles. She wore many belts on her waist and legs, and these belts held little leather satchels, or little leather bands that held many small glass vials in them. And when she moved, she moved with her body, each muscle being stretched to provide extravagant, arrogant actions. She didn't walk, she strode towards Amaya, arms spread out and hips jutting from side to side like some sort of tempting enchantress. [i]"A....uh, Amaya, right? RIGHT. I knew that. We're going to be best friends, you and I, as soon as you stop buggering off to spend some private time with your swords over making plans for these tests."[/i] introduced Ntombi, eyeing Amaya's blades with a look of disgust. What kind of assassin gets close to a target, it's stupid. Ntombi, with her complete disregard for personal space, deemed it appropriate to crouch down a little so she was practically nose-to-nose with Amaya. But she wasn't an idiot, she expected some sort of physical attack and readied herself for a dodge...but all in all, this was a test of her own. Would Amaya be determined enough to avoid attacking her own team-mate, or will she start the introductions off on a bad note? Everyone and their DOG knew that Ntombi was a complete and utter nutcase, but Ntombi knew they just didn't see the world with the same vision she does, and will remain ignorant. [i]"So, Amaya, what are -you- good at, aside from hitting training dummies with a bit of metal?"[/i] asked Ntombi, making sure to lavish her words with open hostility.