Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yea, All the Spanish Kingdoms are led by the same Dynasty. Everyone is either a brother or cousin to each other in the beginning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Monbodo

Lord Monbodo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flooby Badoop said
I can imagine how that would go down. . ."For perhaps attempting to think of a plot against my reign, I'm afraid it is my duty to do everything in my power to make your life a living nightmare for the next 24 hours. May God have mercy on you."Myself, played as the Queen of Scotland. Killed all my sons but my youngest, so he would inherit, then killed everyone who would inherit the county of Trondelag until it went to me, which was about 12 people.Two more needed to die until I inherited, but I didn't need to kill them , because they died of pneumonia and old age, respectively.

Well each of those things invalidates a character from succession but I had just left him to rot in my dungeon unharmed. My dukes started a rebellion in his name anyway and I was trying to get them to go home without getting kinslayer. It was my mercy that killed him. If I had just blinded him day one then the rebellion would have never happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Meanwhile, in EUIV, France is in a personal union with Castile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Monbodo

Lord Monbodo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At least it's not as bad as my game where England has a union with Castile and rules 80% of the colonies in the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A toasty poast, Nex.

Weddings bring out the worst in everyone, don't they? <3

At least it's not as bad as my game where England has a union with Castile and rules 80% of the colonies in the world.

In my game, the Golden Horde and Timurids are Westernized. Italy owns all of southern France and Ireland. The Byzantines still exist, but are getting their ass handed to them by the Timurids. It's the late 16th century, and the only nation to colonize so far is Vestlandet, the 1-province kingdom.

This game started in 867 in CKII. God only knows what it will be like come 1821.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I haven't availed myself of the save converter all that much, as it's too easy to create a megastate that can't be challenged since AE and Overex don't exist in CK2. That, and what always happens is that Spain gets balkanized by gavelkind, Portugal never forms, and France gets gobbled by HRE, so when the game is converted there is only one colonial power, England.

It boggles my mind that 11th century Byzantium is better able to incorporate an Indian conquest than 19th century Britain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So Boerd said
I haven't availed myself of the save converter all that much, as it's too easy to create a megastate that can't be challenged since AE and Overex don't exist in CK2. That, and what always happens is that Spain gets balkanized by gavelkind, Portugal never forms, and France gets gobbled by HRE, so when the game is converted there is only one colonial power, England.It boggles my mind that 11th century Byzantium is better able to incorporate an Indian conquest than 19th century Britain.

Easy to create a megastate? Maybe if you play on pussy-mode [being a king on less than very hard difficulty].

And most of those things are untrue in my game. Portugal existed briefly, but was wiped out by the Knights of Santiago. They inherited most of Spain in the First crusade, called because 98% percent of Spain was held by the Ummayads. After the crusade, the Ummayads were completely annihilated, and save for a few other one or two-province kingdoms, the peninsula was held by myself [owning fealty to the duke that owned 5 provinces and Flanders], and the Knights of Santiago.

In EU4, they've quickly become a regional power, but have existed in more-or-less a constant state of war, initially as Italy's ally, then as her most bitter enemy, fighting for control of northern Africa and southern France.

England never formed, because I was Scotland, and wiped the floor with the petty kingdoms of England. The HRE never gobbled France, because Italy held Aquitaine, while I held the actual Kingdom of France, a title I destroyed. The HRE floundered against the Golden Horde and Timurids. And Vestlandet is well on its way to owning the Carribean.

And the Byzantines don't even have the conveniences of telephones or toilet paper to offer them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

From now on, House Takhar shall rule the lands of Sellafour.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Monbodo said
At least it's not as bad as my game where England has a union with Castile and rules 80% of the colonies in the world.

Actually, it is probably worse. France has integrated Spain in this Friesland->Netherlands game by 1540 and has destroyed the Royal Navy, giving it naval supremacy. I only survive because as a member of the HRE, Megafrance would have to fight me, Austria (who hates me but is the Emperor), the Hansa, and England along with my minor German allies. That is of course a war it could probably win, but it has a constantly low manpower thanks to incessant protestant, revolts. All but two provinces in France proper are protestant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The next game round begins this Saturday, so all who haven't posted yet are getting their lands torn to shreds by their vassals. Sadko is now our newest king [hold your daggers and crossbows until he makes his first post].

Expect a new rules update concerning time, towns, and diplomacy tomorrow.

That be all. Thankies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I am in a good writing flow today, so expect a post today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So Boerd said
I am in a good writing flow today, so expect a post today.

Yaaaayyyyyyyy! Vikings!

Even their mushy songs are manly. <3

EDIT: Also, remember time is now only going at half a season every round.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Monbodo

Lord Monbodo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Damn good song.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Or....tomorrow! For sure. (Writer's block is a cruel mistress)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So Boerd said
Or....tomorrow! For sure. (Writer's block is a cruel mistress)

So are the Bogans.

*taps scimitar against palm*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nah, I just need to do something vikingy, like eat a moose or swing an axe around. I have been out of the Vasa mindset for too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

So Boerd said
Nah, I just need to do something vikingy, like eat a moose or swing an axe around. I have been out of the Vasa mindset for too long.

The correct term would be 'meese,' since you're of course referring to eating a plural amount of them.

Just trying to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
Avatar of Sadko

Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name of Lord:

Lord Qyptos of House Takhar


Freebird: 17 Points
Fair (4 Points) +10 000 Pop, 4.6 Crops per annum per pop, .5% Growth
Some Resources (2 Points) +7000 Bullis per annum
Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) +3000 Pop, +1500 Bullis per annum, 600 Crops per annum, .2% Growth, 18 Hour Traverse Time
Great Manor (3 Points)
Great Wall (4 Points)
Bailey (1 Points)
Military Bailey (1 Points)
13 000 People
4.6 x 13 000 + 600 Crops (infrastructure) = 60 400 Crops per annum
13 000 Bullis per annum (Taxation) + 7000 Bullis (Resources) + 1500 Bullis (Infrastructure) = 21 500 Bullis

Blushpond: 17 Points
Fair (4 Points) +10 000 Pop, 4.6 Crops per annum per pop, .5% Growth
Some Resources (2 Points) +7000 Bullis per annum
Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) +3000 Pop, +1500 Bullis per annum, 600 Crops per annum, .2% Growth, 18 Hour Traverse Time
Great Manor (3 Points)
Great Wall (4 Points)
Bailey (1 Points)
Military Bailey (1 Points)
13 000 People
4.6 x 13 000 + 600 Crops (infrastructure) = 60 400 Crops per annum
13 000 Bullis per annum (Taxation) + 7000 Bullis (Resources) + 1500 Bullis (Infrastructure) = 21 500 Bullis

Copperstream: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Thrycetun: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Islemonster: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Darkstreams: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Barking Craters: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)


The Immortals
500 Men
-500 Plate Mail Armours + Iron Kite Shields (10 000/1500)
-500 Spears (2500/500)

500 Men
-500 Leather Armours + Pavises (2500/500)
-500 Crossbows (5000/2500)
-500 Daggers (1000/0)

The Light Infantry
500 Men
-500 Mails + Round Iron Shields (5000/1000)
-175 Axes (675/125)
-125 Maces (675/125)
-125 Shortswords (675/125)
-125 Longswords (1250/250)

The Raider Cavalry
250 Men
-250 Horses (5000/1250)
-250 Mail Armours + (2500/500)
-250 Bows (1250/750)
-250 Axes (1250/250)

Royal Court
Adult Son (5 Points) Akyptos Takhar aged 26
Young Son (6 points) Yuragos Takhar aged 16
Newborn Daughter (1 Point) Natalia Zilanta Takhar aged 2

Original Receipts:

Total Population: 36 000

Population Living in Towns: 0

Crops Produced per Annum: 162 800

Total Growth Bonus: 2.1%

Total Income per Annum: 53 000

Current Treasury: 24 150

Lord Jon of House Somberfall

Sunbard: 17 Points
Fair (4 Points) +10 000 Pop, 4.6 Crops per annum per pop, .5% Growth
Some Resources (2 Points) +7000 Bullis per annum
Advanced Infrastructure (2 Points) +3000 Pop, +1500 Bullis per annum, 600 Crops per annum, .2% Growth, 18 Hour Traverse Time
Great Manor (3 Points)
Great Wall (4 Points)
Bailey (1 Points)
Military Bailey (1 Points)
13 000 People
4.6 x 13 000 + 600 Crops (infrastructure) = 60 400 Crops per annum
13 000 Bullis per annum (Taxation) + 7000 Bullis (Resources) + 1500 Bullis (Infrastructure) = 21 500 Bullis

Fyshgyll: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)


400 Men
-400 Plate Mail Armours + Iron Kite Shields (6000/1200)
-400 Spears (2000/400)

Light Infantry
250 Men
-250 Mails + Round Iron Shields (2500/500)
-65 Axes (325/65)
-62 Maces (310/62)
-62 Shortswords (310/62)
-62 Longswords (620/124)

Raider Cavalry
250 Men
-250 Horses (5000/1250)
-250 Mail Armours + (2500/500)
-250 Bows (1250/750)
-250 Axes (1250/250)

300 Men
-300 Leather Armours + Pavises (1500/300)
-300 Crossbows (3000/1500)
-300 Daggers (600/0)


[ see vassal sheet ]

Vassal Receipts

Total Population: 15 000

Population living in towns: 0

Crops produced per annum: 68 800

Total Growth Bonus: .6%

Total Income per Annum: 23 500

Current Treasury: N/A

Lady Eva Dewthorn, under regency of Steward Alabastar


Yedarbahan: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Rabbit's Defense: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)

Passionsoil: 1 Point
Scrubland (1 Point) +2000 Pop, 4.2 Crops per annum per person, .1% yearly growth
Resourceless (0 Points)
Basic Infrastructure (0 Points) 48 Hours to traverse
Wooden Manor (0 Points)
No Wall (0 Points)
2000 People
4.2 Crops x 2000 People = 8400
2000 Bullis per annum (Taxation)


100 Men
-100 Plate Mail Armours + Iron Kite Shields (1500/300)
-100 Spears (500/100)

Light Infantry
250 Men
-250 Mails + Round Iron Shields (2500/500)
-65 Axes (325/65)
-62 Maces (310/62)
-62 Shortswords (310/62)
-62 Longswords (620/124)

200 Men
-200 Leather Armours + Pavises (1000/200)
-200 Crossbows (2000/1000)
-200 Daggers (400/0)


[ see vassal sheet ]

Vassal Receipts:

Total Population: 6 000

Population living in towns: 0

Crops produced per annum: 25 200

Total Growth Bonus: .3%

Total Income Per Annum: 6 000

Current Treasury: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The formatting kind of got lost in transition. You may want to edit that.

Otherwise, added you to the accepted list and map.

EDIT: Just read your post. I've like all the posts so far, but that was good. Didn't expect you to resolve The Incident like that, or characterize your children as you did. Qyptos seems like a Bad Motherfuckerâ„¢. I want to see what he does to his treacherous vassals. . .

DOUBLE EDIT: I know it's not Saturday yet, but I'm going to go on a limb here and say that those who've who went missing two weeks ago aren't coming back, so given this is one of my rare off days, I'm going to get to work on resolving the round's events.

I will, of course, wait for So Boerd.

Until tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
Avatar of Sadko

Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh thanks! :-) I fixed some things. And my english isn't really the best, so, sorry about that, truly.
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